Naruto - Hyuuga Neji/ Hyuuga Hinata - Stages of Love - Attraction

Mar 28, 2006 22:58

Title: Forced... or not so forced, Engagement
Show: Naruto
Pairing: Hints of Hinata/Naruto, Neji/Hinata
Characters: Neji, Hinata
Warnings: Spoilers for chapters 80+ (I think) Hinata's stuttering.
Theme: Stages of Love, Attraction
Notes Erm... eleven words over. My apologizes.

“Ne-Neji-nii-san… I… I brought you so-some tea.”

He nodded and disarmed his Byakugan, falling from his defensive stance into a more relaxed one. She placed the tray on the porch as she waited, sitting down and smoothing her kimono.

He sat beside her, feet dangling off the porch, staring up at the sky. She smiled.

“Th-The birds are out today.”

He nodded again before reaching for his cup. Her hand brushed his as she lifted it to give to him.

He lifted his cup to his mouth, enjoying the sweet drink. Hinata had always been good in the kitchen and tea was no exception. Stealing a glance at her he noticed that she was studying her tea, almost as if looking for someone, or more then likely, something to say.


He looked straight ahead, studying the gardens instead of his cousin. She lifted her head, staring at the side of his as she took a nervous sip of tea.


He turned his cloud gaze to her own, making her nervously shift hers downward.

“Where were you at the Chuunin exams?”

He had noticed after a brief scan of the crowd that she had not been sitting by her father and sister, nor by Ino and Sakura.

“I-I wa-was wat-watching…” Naruto-kun.

She pushed her index fingers together nervously, the name going unspoken.

Neji sighed and shook his head, for the genius that Naruto was he was also an idiot. He couldn’t remember when his cousin had first started to idolize the male. He chose not to remember when he became jealous of it.

His cousin, as many ranks lower then himself as there were years between them, still had her nervous habits. Now you could hardly separate the sisters, both in looks and the fact that they had become close. The three could often be seen palling around together.

“Oh. I didn’t see you.”

She flushed and bowed her head lower, her black locks coming in between them like a veil.

“I-I… I passed out. Kiba-kun said th-that an ANBU ha-had healed me. I-I missed mo-most of the fi-fight.”

Neji winced, both physically and mentally. He cursed the wounds that he had given her, the fact that he had wanted to kill her, that he almost had killed her. And he cursed the fact that he couldn’t stop himself, that it had taken losing to Naruto to make him see things as they were.

“I’m sorry.”

It seemed like that was all he had been doing recently, apologizing to her. He figured he still had a lot more to go.

“D-don’t be. Y-you he-helped me.”

He smiled at that, his hand closing around hers, causing her to blush.

“Fa-father sa-said th-that… he wants us t-to ma-marry.”

He could understand her stuttering at that, he inexplicably felt like doing so as well.


“N-not until I-I become Jounin th-though.”

Her hope for his happiness causing her to smile.

“And I’m guessing that Haishi-sama wants us to get to know each other more until then…”

She nodded, blushing once more, and he sighed.

five stages of love, naruto, hyuuga neji/hyuuga hinata

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