Gundam Wing - Trowa/Quatre/Wufei

Feb 21, 2006 12:10

title: Blessings
author: windsor blue
pairing: Trowa Barton/Quatre Winner/Chang Wufei
fandom: Gundam Wing
challenge: #3 - passion
rating: R-ish
summary: Wufei considers the blessings of sisters.
word count: 304

"I don't care what soldier-type things you think you know about my brother - he's got one of the kindest hearts I've ever known, and he's extraordinarily passionate about the things and people he cares for." And somewhere in those words, underneath the only-faintly-veiled threat of grievous bodily harm if said brother should ever suffer heartache from all this, Cathy had given Wufei and Quatre her blessing. Not that they'd really needed her blessing, but still, it was nice to have.

Trowa's lips pressed against Wufei's cheek - warm and soft and passionate, yes; so much passion in such a simple gesture and Wufei felt a little weak in the knees from it. Trowa's lips lingered there, brushing, nuzzling, tip-of-tongue tasting at Wufei's skin, and Wufei felt his eyes drift closed to help him concentrate on the feeling.

Quatre's mouth was pressed against Wufei's forehead, faint dustings of kisses that mirrored Trowa's, and as Quatre's kisses trailed from his forehead to his ear, Wufei thought upon how no one had seen fit to give warning about Quatre's passionate soul. No sister - heaven knows there were more than enough to choose from - had pulled Wufei and Trowa away from a gathering to whisper to them about Quatre's secretly passionate side, and maybe that was because it hadn't occurred to any of Quatre's sisters that Quatre's passion would be a secret, and maybe it was because they all knew (thought they knew?) that Quatre's passion was stronger than mere affairs of the heart. For a moment, Wufei wondered if Trowa and Quatre had heard the passion speech from anyone in regards to him, wondered who would be brash enough to give it.

With one hand each, Trowa and Quatre pushed Wufei onto his back, and then Wufei cared nothing for speeches and sisters anymore.

gundam wing, passion

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