No: 3 Passion - Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham

Feb 21, 2006 19:20

Title: Impassioned Pragmatist
Author: Evilremmy
Theme: No. 3 Passion
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Author's Notes: Wow. Two reviews for the last one - I hope this one goes down just as well! Please read and review!

Impassioned Pragmatist

In the brightly lit Paris evening they stop for ice cream in a parlour on the Champs Elysses. Will discusses the paintings they saw today at the Louvre, and brings to life artists hundreds of years old with his unique perspective. In his mind, Picasso is a man who cannot express beauty well enough to do it justice, and La Gioconda or Joconde; the Mona Lisa, to you and me, was a battle by Da Vinci to do what Picasso admitted he could not.

When Will is working through his thoughts, piecing them all together in the way that Lecter has taught him, he delights in it thoroughly. There is no danger here. He is not looking into the eyes of madmen, who might leap out and kill him at any moment. There is a true passion in his abilities now. It is this that Hannibal has given to Will Graham, and it is a treasured gift.

Lecter gives him mystery fiction to read; the last pages clipped closed so that he has to work it out himself. Will likes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. He abhors unsolveable mysteries and spy thrillers - hates the feel of invisible bullets whizzing through his hair, but feels a deep, passionate delight when Holmes and his kin trick their prey into revealing themselves.

In London they stay in an expensive metropolitan apartment, released to Lecter in an old patient’s will. It overlooks Regent’s Park, and Will can feel the age of the house when he presses his palms against the bare stone wall and closes his eyes.

After dinner, and a bottle of St. Estephe - one of Lecter’s favourites - they make love on the ancient, Louis XV walnut bed - broad, strong beams supporting the curtains around them, cutting out the rest of the world with red velvet and gold embroidery. As they move together there is very little to suggest that they are even real, and not a part of some classical painting back in the Louvre. There is an ethereal beauty in their passion - red velvet reflecting it’s sheen onto their erubescent flesh.

will graham/hannibal lecter, red dragon, passion

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