(To the admins: I have two LJs so am now posting using this username rather than
TITLE: Unspoken
AUTHOR: Matt, Feb 2006
SUMMARY: Vala's not saying a word.
RATING: PG-13 (for implied subject matter)
DISCLAIMER: Characters are property of MGM et al.
PROMPT: #3 Passion
Cameron had made a crack about hot dates when he’d noticed Daniel yawning during their briefing. Daniel had tensed, waited for the comment from the woman on his right, and was surprised when the other man left the room without receiving a response.
“What’s up with you?” he asked her.
“So…” He was confused. “Where was the inappropriate sexual comeback?”
Vala reached for his hand. “Daniel, I never kiss and tell when it’s special.”
“It’s special?”
She nodded. “You thought last night was a one-off?”
“Vala, I…” He hadn’t been sure.
“I hope it isn’t.”
He hoped so too.