another future casualty

Mar 16, 2006 20:56

The other day i saw a rather largely overweight woman leading her rather largely overweight daughter along by holding a can of pasito in front of her daughters face. The child had a look of desperate hunger on her face and was nigh on drooling in anticipation as she ran arms outstretched for the prize before her. I was quite sickened by the sight and think it quite laughable that we have ads on tv encouraging kids to get active for something like 30 minutes a day. I still stand by my proposal to cure obesity by having more wild animals on the streets and am pretty sure we would all be quite fit if we had to run from something bitey everyday.

I have been reading some stuff about emotion control and how it is quite possible to erase memories, kind of interesting if you disregard the fact that the articles seem to be written for 12 year olds, or americans (hey its an american publication, so i am only half insulting the american culture). But yes evidently electro shock therapy applied within 48 hours can disrupt the consolidation of short term memory into long term. I am somewhat concerned about the development of this as if our memories are ours for the choosing how will we ever learn? I am of the mindset that bad things happen for a reason, its reconciling the fact that allows personality progression. But then i figure if you know someone that just had a bad experience and they want to erase it by 'futuremeds' just borrow some money off them the same day, they won't remember it anyway.
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