Basement and Rats

Dec 21, 2010 21:59

So about a half an hour ago, Chad took us downstairs to see what has been done so far, and he mentioned that they should be done by tomorrow and our stuff could be moved in! I really want to be excited because it looks amazing down there and I can't wait until we can "move in" yet again. It'll be nice to have our stuff all together again, and make sure the rats are in a smoke free room again. Though I've had my mom smoking in the bathroom since yesterday because I'm really worried about how Neddy is doing. Which leads me to why I'm less excited about the basement than I should be, because my mind is preoccupied on the rats right now.

We had a vet visit for the ratties today, we took both of them in to get weighed, and to get new medicine for Neddy. Though this time around, I'm going to be treating Grif at the same time because the vet kept saying that respiratory illness is contagious usually, and I assured her that Grif doesn't seem to be having any signs of it. Though I'm glad I went for treating him too, because I've noticed he's sneezed a few times throughout the day, though I'm not sure if that's a for sure sign of it or not. Anyway, it's not that expensive, but this time it's 2 medications, twice daily. We tried to give them their medicine on our laps with a piece of bread like always, but it didn't work out so good. Grif freaked out and ran with it, ran across the floor and Josh finally got him. It was horrible, and scary, but I was so relieved in the end because he put him back in the play pen with the bread. What a spaz! Well anyway, so both of them ended up eating most of it, but not all of it. The medicines both seem very thick like pasty unlike Neddy's first type of medication. Which makes it difficult. The only thing I can think of other than syringe feeding them (which is like 100 times more difficult than bread), is mix it in with unflavored yogurt. Mom suggests like graham crackers and stuff, but I'm just not sure... And I don't want to try anything that will be a waste, especially if they don't like the yogurt or something... >_< I wish that small animals wouldn't get sick all the time. Why do mine always get sick? Ugh I don't wanna think about this anymore. And I can't help but notice that Neddy seems to be sneezing and making those sounds lately, I just really really hope that this medicine helps. And really hope that I can get the medicine into their tummies without starting a war!!

So I'm trying to think about how we can maybe get into that basement tomorrow. It'll be so nice to have our own space again. And I can't wait to decorate it! And now there is a counter where those two shelves where where the DVDs were, which would be perfect to put at least 2 of our TVs on. ^.^ I really hope there's enough room for things like DDR and Just Dance. There wasn't enough room the last time we were down there, because there was only a thin path way through the room just because we have a lot of things that line the whole wall, every wall. I can't even imagine everything that we would have down there, just because it looked soooo full, and now that it's empty I can't remember what we'd even have anymore. Like I know we have a lot of things, but I can't even think of them because everything I remember doesn't even seem like a lot. Oh well, it looks amazing down there, and I hope I can decorate it well enough so that things look roomy. :D I can't wait until Leeta and even Sara can visit. :D Though I might have to wait until it's not winter anymore, because Leeta won't be able to get here otherwise. Wah.

(I feel so lame for talking a lot about my basement because even reading back at my old entries from when I was 15, I was constantly talking about my basement and writing lists of who I'd want to have over, though half of those people I'm sure never showed up. But I was bound and determined to clean up the basement in order to have people over. That basement is oddly like my baby in a lot of ways. It's the only room so far that I went all out and made it completely my own. Other than my bedroom of course. But my bedroom was small and couldn't invite company in there because of how tiny it was. So yes the basement is like my creation, my baby, I could do whatever I want with it. Which is why I want to talk about it a lot. Sue me. LOL! Though now that I think about it... I'm not sure if I'll be afraid to make it look like exactly how I want it to, because everything is brand new down there. I'll be afraid to tack things that I want up there, now that it's not all old and stuff... I hope that I'm not afraid to make it my own. That kinda makes me sad. That's probably the only downside of all new stuff. Afraid to make it my own until it's worn in. Eh well, I'll get over it. I just have to be careful, that's all. I'm sure I can still tack things up if I wanted to. That's the reason why we made two of the walls wood paneling again because I wanted to tack up things if I wanted to without it being extremely noticeable.)
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