
Oct 16, 2005 21:09

This weekend was a very busy one. And it seemed like everywhere I turned, I was in the middle of an adventure.

Friday night sunniski and I went to our parents' house, and we had dinner at the Bear Rock Cafe with Mom. Then we went and saw Papa. Then we went to see Ben's new condo. (His condo is actually a lot like the one I live in, except his is a 2-bedroom. And he actually owns his, so if anything goes wrong he has to fix it, unlike me who can just call up the landlord.) Then I came back to the house and saw midnightcoder for a little bit. And all this was in the pouring rain. Phew.

Saturday was the ALS Walk. Once again it was raining. But a decent sized crowd still turned out, with their umbrellas and raincoats. What kept me going was the thought: "We are walking for those who can't." This thought was cemented by seeing PALS (Patients of ALS) being pushed around the lake in their wheelchairs. It was heartbreaking. Here is a picture of Sheryl's Angels... holding umbrellas and wearing raincoats... and, as was the case with my cousin Patrick, wearing towels. THANKS to all of you who gave generously to the ALS Association... I met my goal of raising $300!

Saturday afternoon I spent with Janet and Jordana. Can you believe Jordana is going to be 3 next month? Sheesh. She has to stop this growing up thing. She has to be a little toddler forever. :) She used to call me "Teetee" which was her way of saying Auntie (just goes to show you how close Janet and I are), but this weekend was the first time I actually heard her say "Hi Auntie Stacey!"

Saturday night I spent with midnightcoder, polgara_3000 and, drakin769. We played Brian and Bob's new card game "Obsession for Murder" which they are currently developing and playtesting. I didn't fully understand the rules and ended up killing the game... no pun intended, haha. Maybe it'll work out better for me when the rule book is done, so I can read it.

Today I did my "usual" coupon clipping and shopping. Before going to the supermarket I stopped at K-Mart to pick up a couple of things. Now, I had looked at a map before leaving, and I knew there was a shortcut road that would take me from Route 27 (which is what the K-Mart is on) down into Stow to get to Shaw's. I somehow missed this shortcut and ended up literally driving around in circles in the town of Maynard trying to get my bearings. The good news is that, thanks to this adventure, I found out that Maynard has a cute town center that has a lot of interesting shops. I kept seeing things I want to bring my friends to... a breakfast place for hazelyze, a pretty decent-sized Indian restaurant (with a $7.95 buffet... wahoo!) for ladybugus... and funniest of all, a restaurant called "Ye Olde Beef & Ale" that instantly made me think of midnightcoder. I can't make this stuff up. :)

The adventure doesn't end there. When I stepped inside Shaw's I noticed that it was really dim inside. There was a sign right inside the front door that said something like "To conserve energy, we're dimming the lights!" Oh cool, I thought, they are being environmentally friendly and are saving precious fuel. I can deal with this. It was hard walking around a dimly-lit supermarket, though, particularly towards the back of the store where the windows' light did not reach. But when I got to the frozen section I noticed that it was closed off... and when I went to the meat cases they were covered in plastic... and when I went through the organic section the frozen food doors were taped shut. If they had just dimmed the lights, then all these things would be working and wouldn't have to be protected like that. So I think what really happened is that something happened to their electrical system and they were working off an emergency generator. Still doesn't explain that sign though.

Then I came home and had an adventure in trying to coat chicken with bread crumbs. :)

driving, shopping, friends, food

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