Finding the right people to game with...

Mar 26, 2009 08:53

You would never think this should even be an issue.  I mean, come on.  With my own gaming group, we are lucky to even get together once a month.  Mostly due to how busy people can be.  It isn't like it was when you were in your 20's and you could game all the time without a care in the world.  I know there are some people that can (and still do) this...but I am not one of them.

So when I decided to run an offshoot of the Dresden files rpg, I immediately grabbed two of my closest friends (Dawn and Henry).  It was an easy decision since they enjoyed Spirit of the Century so much and even helped me playtest the DFRPG for Evil Hat.  So that part was easy.  Then I had also met Christin who really wanted to do some gaming and she joined our little group.  But then there was someone else that joined us and he drove me (and someone else) nuts.  Now if it were just me that was bothered I may have tried to get over it, but when it bothers someone else and that is 50% of the group.  Well, steps had to be taken.

Now don't get me wrong, he was a pretty nice guy, but he also argued quite a bit about things (at least to us) that were not relevant.   Which brings up my issue.  How important is it to get along with the people you game with?  I would imagine it would depend on your group.  Some people just want to get together and game and don't really care about the social aspect of gaming.  I am more of a "I want to get along and like" the people I game with.  I am 38 now and getting less patient as I get older (or at least it feels this way sometimes).  I know that isn't really true, but that is one thing i don't have patienct for.  Hanging out with people that I don't connect with.  I don't need people to be my best friends and I LOVE meeting new people.  I cannot wait until has another event I can go to for that exact reason.  Meeting new people is one of those thingsa bout life I enjoy.  I am a social creature and the more people, the better.

What are you views on whom you game with?

henry. dawn, gaming, christin, spirit of the century, dresden files rpg, evil hat

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