Update on my gramma

Oct 05, 2006 21:49

Well, I finally was able to talk to my gramma about my gramma's death. It turns out that Tuesday she had company. And she had gotten up from a chair and fell. She hit her head. She had called the lady at the front desk and the resident nurse by their names. But on the ambulance ride to the hospitol she lost consciousness. The doctor told my grandma that my great-grandmother had cerbral hemmoraging, possily a mini one while still at the Regency. Basically when she fell unconcsious she became a vegetable. And my gramma had to make a decision of whether or not to take her off life support. Around 11 on Wednesday they took her off the breathing machine. My gramma held my great-grandmother's hand for the last 25 minutes of her life.

I have cried so much the past two days. But I also know that I could have been crying more than I have been. I'm just not use to crying. And since I have been working it isn't like I can just cry. I have to be able to function. So far I think I've been able to do that.

Now I have to figure out what to say at my gramma's funeral. I kinda volunteered to say something. so now I have to come up with something.

Anyway, I am tired so I should head to bed. Thank you everyone who has had kind words to me. It really does mean a lot to me.
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