Oct 03, 2003 01:24
I really hate starting LJ entries, because I never know what to say.. Incase anyone was worried, I'm still alive.... still alive and kickin' in good ol' Vanport.....SINGLE...single as in NOT married, lol. I got the biggest kick out of Joshi and Jen thinking that Josh and I eloped. Please, when Josh and I get married, everyone on the Eastern half of the US will be invited to our wedding. We just got irritated at alot of things, and people in our life, so we requested a few days off from work, turned the cell phones off, and didn't leave the apartment. It was actually nice, hibernating like that.
My life is 300% different than before I moved out... sorry if anyone doesn't like the new me. I never knew living with Josh would be...such an adventure -I guess would be the right word to use. I always had this idea, or fantasy of what it would be like, but then when it was a reality, it's completely different. It's not all lovey dovey mush all the time. We see the real thing...waking up is never pretty, being sick... the weird noises u make when your sick... your in each others face, every minute, every day. There's no going home because he's in a pissy mood, or giving him a few days space to go be a man. Things are definitly not what I thought they'd be.
Don't get me wrong..I love him, and I love living with him. Neither of us would change a thing. There's just a lot of adjusting that had to be made and still needs to be made. Oh well... it's a lot of fun, and we're both happier than ever. Tonight Jen and I are having girls night here at her house, because Josh thought it would be a great idea to have 6 of his buddies come up and watch a football game and get drunk. Yeah, its fun, but, um... 7 guys, completely waisted... in his little one room apartment. ........About 10 o'clock, i decided that i really don't want to be there all night with them, and left. Yeah, he's pissed, but oh well.
I'm getting a new car this month. Josh and I are getting me this UGLY ass Ford Escort Stationwagon.... he said i'm not allowed to get anything sporty, or fast, until I learn to control my speed and my "crazy" driving. :( Oh well, it's a car, and it'll be MINE. Besides, I'm gonna pimp the bitch out. It's got a system in it, lol, cause the guy who has it now installed one, and i'm gonna tint the windows or something just to be an ass. Not to mention the big "I <3 TUPPERWARE" bumpersticker I'm gonna rock out on the back of it.
I'm really shocked by how well I've handled my recent situations. I'm so thankful for it... all the hard times, and God has really humbled me. I've never had a car that wasn't brand new out of the show room, cute and fast. I've never had to limit my spending, or budget my pay check, and not buy new clothes every paycheck. I've NEVER worried about money before these past 6 months. Part of me is really embarrassed, but the other part is so happy. This is all preparing me for the rest of my life, and teaching me to work hard, and how to be happy no matter what u have. I don't care if i'm driving some ugly ass stationwagon, it's friggin hilarious, and its better than bummin rides everywhere. Who cares, I'm happier than i've ever been, and none of it could be bought with money. I'm really thankful that God's put me through all this. Things are really bad in my life, and it's just teaching me to be stronger, work harder, and not worry about things that are out of my control. I value my friends, and JOsh more, and I'm really not sure what to do about my gramma. I really think I'm making the right choice by staying gone. I miss her REALLY REALLY bad, and I want to go home... but I think going home would be like taking a huge leap backwards, not only in my relationship with Josh, (he'd be HELLA pissed if i left) but I also think I'd be making a mistake in my OWN life. I'm learning to support myself, pay bills, and all that happy adult shit. I cut ties completely with my mom and Bruce... I don't hate them, or wish ill on them, if nothing else, I'm thankful for what they caused to happen in my life, because it's made me such a better person. But I'm also smart enough to realize if i stick around for anymore "lessons", it'd be just stupidity, and it would be my fault for subjecting myself to that. Everything that's gone wrong in my life these past few months has been my mom and bruces fault...the lessons i've learned recently has been the first thing my mothers ever inadvertently "given" to me, that's going to be somewhat useful.
Well, I'm sure most of u haven't read this entire entry, and frankly I don't blame u. For my friends who are pissed they don't see me anymore, don't worry, Josh and I are getting a bigger apartment with an actual living room, and bedrooms and all my super-duper fun crafts, so that people can actually come over and visit and I can start seeing you all again.
Who knows when I'm going to be able to get over here to Jens again, so call my celly, visit me at work, and leave me some comments dammit!