Aug 01, 2009 05:36

I think we totally need a ⌈STAR TREK⌋ Friending Meme. Don't you? You can never really have too many friends, and I think we all know that this fandom is pretty much made of so much win you can hardly see straight ( Read more... )

!friending meme

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Comments 837

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almightychrissy August 1 2009, 14:24:18 UTC
I'm in the middle of whatever book it is where Eric gets amnesia and my love for Sookie/Eric makes me feel so dirty. Especially because I just got to his first appearance in True Blood, and now I want to ship Eric/Me.


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almightychrissy August 1 2009, 15:26:36 UTC



chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 10:53:35 UTC
♥ NAME » Mandii
♥ AGE » 21
♥ GENDER » Female
♥ LOCATION » Dallas, TX

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » James T. Kirk, most definitely, with the rest of the cast coming in as a very, very close second. I have a very large soft spot as well for DeForrest Kelley's McCoy. ♥
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Sulu, Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Spock/Uhura, Sulu/Chekov, Gaila/Anyone, Kirk/Anyone -- I like almost anything and everything! And I'm serious about this. Oh. I do think my OTP just may be Scotty/Enterprise, soooo....IDK. I love Scotty to death.
♥ FAVORITE UNIVERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, OTHER?) » I've admittedly only just gotten into the series with the new movie. I've started going through TOS, and I love it to absolute BITS. I do love Nu!Trek more than anything though, and I'm counting the days until the DVD release gets here. NOVEMBER IS SO FAR AWAY OH MY GOD

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Prince of Tennis was my main love for almost six years, until Star Trek XI came along. I also have a serious love for The Big Bang Theory, Arrested Development, and Scrubs as ( ... )


wattle_neurotic August 1 2009, 11:51:06 UTC
Scotty/Enterprise ♥

I think coffee counts as a fandom (I'm sad I can't drink it, I used to have at least one a day :( )

You sound awesome. Would you like to be friends? (No matter how many times I say it, that question sounds so juvenile *lol*)


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:58:13 UTC
♥ Certainly! And that is a sad fact right there. *sniff* I'll probably get to the point where I can't drink it, considering how badly I abuse it. We make jokes about snorting and injecting it straight into our bloodstreams at work.....yep.

I'd love to be friends! XD *snrk* It's kinda like elementary school when you're all standing on the playground staring at each other.


wattle_neurotic August 1 2009, 12:03:58 UTC
Oh coffee, I miss it. But these days it just makes me sick, which isn't fair. I do eat coffee flavoured things though to make up for it *lol*

Awesome :) I have just added you ♥


periariyx August 1 2009, 11:08:43 UTC
♥ NAME » Ari.
♥ AGE » Sewenteen! (Except I'm 18 in three weeks, so soon I won't be able to say that anymore. This makes me feel much more sad than it should.)
♥ GENDER » Female.
♥ LOCATION » Alberta, Canada.

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » BONES. I mean, seriously, I love all of them, like a lot, but... Booooones.
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » TOS!Kirk/Spock, nu!Kirk/McCoy. And I'll virtually ship anyone with anyone else, but I have soft spots for Spock/McCoy, Scotty/Uhura, and Sulu/Chekov as well.
♥ FAVORITE UNIVERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, OTHER?) » TOS first (my god I watched it in three weeks, it just SUCKED ME IN), nu second, and after that I haven't really seen any of the other ones. I... don't really want to, I love these particular characters too much. ;-;

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Oh gods let's see um. The Simpsons, Futurama, Arrested Development, The Office, Parks and Rec, Dexter, Oz, Homicide (and whatever else David Simon has had a hand in), Six Feet Under, House, Rescue Me, Pixar (does that count as a fandom?), fake news/...American politics is its ( ... )


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:15:09 UTC

Also. Oh man. I totally agree on your pairing thing. TOS had so many lovely lingering touches, this absolute, utter, TRUST between the Kirk and Spock. Nu!Trek's getting there, I think, but I really enjoyed the Kirk/Bones interaction.

Uh. Friends? :DD


periariyx August 1 2009, 11:21:37 UTC
:DD Absolutely!!

also omf, I know where I recognize your username from. (I am also living on the kink meme. :D) You're writing that asylum AU! That was prompted on part six that I'm kind of in love with! (I'm the first anon who commented on part 10 there finally, hello~)


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:22:51 UTC
OH! Thanks! I'm really trying to work on that, I swear I am. XD It's hard to get in the right mindset.



sellthelie August 1 2009, 11:09:26 UTC
♥ NAME » Mandy
♥ AGE » 25
♥ GENDER » Female
♥ LOCATION » Australia

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » Kirk, Uhura, Pike, Scotty - all of them is easier.
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » Kirk/Sulu, Kirk/Uhura, McCoy/Spock, I haven't really gotten into Kirk/McCoy or Spock/Uhura yet, will get there one day.
♥ FAVORITE UNIVERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, OTHER?) » All that I've seen so far, I'm new to this. Only seen the reboot, some TOS, TNG & Enterprise, but love what I've seen. I can't choose.

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Lost, Heroes, Chuck, Big Bang, HIMYM, Criminal Minds, and so many more.
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » Movies, I watch lots of movies. Occasionally read, but nothing else really.
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » Fandom stuff, random bits & pieces, really random.
♥ ANYTHING ELSE? » My internet bites the big one, but other than that, nothing!


wattle_neurotic August 1 2009, 11:45:12 UTC
HIMYM, Heroes, Chuck! Aussie! I always feel like I'm one of about three Aussies on the internet *lol*

Would you like to be friends?


sellthelie August 1 2009, 14:35:09 UTC
Ha! It can at times. I'm going to add you. :)


darkindegrees August 2 2009, 19:17:38 UTC
Heroes, Chuck, Big Bang, HIMYM and Criminal Minds?! Dude, your shows are pretty much all ones I love and that's pretty friggin' awesome. Friends?


les342 August 1 2009, 11:17:48 UTC
♥ NAME » Lesley
♥ AGE » 31
♥ GENDER » female

♥ FAVORITE TREK!VERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY OTHER?) » I got into Trek when I started watching TNG in high school, but my intrest in it sort of waned until the new movie came out.

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Star Trek is the only fandom that I participate in online, but other shows I like are Lie to Me, House, Chuck, Stargate, Numb3rs, Dexter, CSI
♥ OTHER INTERESTS » reading, scrapbooking, photography, graphic design, travel, music/going to concerts, swing dancing
♥ JOURNAL CONTAINS » Mostly fangirl squee about various things that I'm into
♥ ANYTHING ELSE? » Uh, not that I can think of at the moment. I haven't had my coffee yet this morning. LOL ;)


lafemmechatte August 1 2009, 14:42:54 UTC
Your icon is amazing. Friends?


les342 August 1 2009, 14:56:36 UTC
Sure, friend away! :-)

Thanks! An LJ friend of mine is a huge Karl fan and recently was posting a lot of screencaps from various movies he was in. I spent a lot of time at squeeing every time she made a new post. At one point, I commented on how obsessed we both are and that we should start a support group called Urban Addicts Anonymous, even though I usually prefer to think of myself as dedicated, not obsessed. LOL


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