Aug 01, 2009 05:36

I think we totally need a ⌈STAR TREK⌋ Friending Meme. Don't you? You can never really have too many friends, and I think we all know that this fandom is pretty much made of so much win you can hardly see straight ( Read more... )

!friending meme

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periariyx August 1 2009, 11:08:43 UTC
♥ NAME » Ari.
♥ AGE » Sewenteen! (Except I'm 18 in three weeks, so soon I won't be able to say that anymore. This makes me feel much more sad than it should.)
♥ GENDER » Female.
♥ LOCATION » Alberta, Canada.

♥ FAVORITE CHARACTER(S) » BONES. I mean, seriously, I love all of them, like a lot, but... Booooones.
♥ FAVORITE PAIRING(S) » TOS!Kirk/Spock, nu!Kirk/McCoy. And I'll virtually ship anyone with anyone else, but I have soft spots for Spock/McCoy, Scotty/Uhura, and Sulu/Chekov as well.
♥ FAVORITE UNIVERSE(NU!TREK, TOS, OTHER?) » TOS first (my god I watched it in three weeks, it just SUCKED ME IN), nu second, and after that I haven't really seen any of the other ones. I... don't really want to, I love these particular characters too much. ;-;

♥ OTHER FANDOMS » Oh gods let's see um. The Simpsons, Futurama, Arrested Development, The Office, Parks and Rec, Dexter, Oz, Homicide (and whatever else David Simon has had a hand in), Six Feet Under, House, Rescue Me, Pixar (does that count as a fandom?), fake news/...American politics is its ( ... )


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:15:09 UTC

Also. Oh man. I totally agree on your pairing thing. TOS had so many lovely lingering touches, this absolute, utter, TRUST between the Kirk and Spock. Nu!Trek's getting there, I think, but I really enjoyed the Kirk/Bones interaction.

Uh. Friends? :DD


periariyx August 1 2009, 11:21:37 UTC
:DD Absolutely!!

also omf, I know where I recognize your username from. (I am also living on the kink meme. :D) You're writing that asylum AU! That was prompted on part six that I'm kind of in love with! (I'm the first anon who commented on part 10 there finally, hello~)


chasingthewinds August 1 2009, 11:22:51 UTC
OH! Thanks! I'm really trying to work on that, I swear I am. XD It's hard to get in the right mindset.



tee_sama August 1 2009, 11:34:10 UTC
Haha, I'm the same. TOS? Kirk/Spock all the way. Reboot? Kirk!McCoy :) And you like Scotty/Uhura which is awesome.

Animation? Do you like 3D only? (you listed pixar O: ) Because I love 2D :D

So...friends perhaps? :D ♥


periariyx August 1 2009, 11:35:26 UTC
Actually Pixar is the only 3D I'll give the time of day. 2D is my first love forever and always and that's the kind of thing I want to go into. :D

Friends absolutely!


tee_sama August 1 2009, 11:49:19 UTC
Haha, I don't like 3D too much, because it gets too repetitive most of the time, though pixar does have some amazing movies. I loved Toy Story, Wall-e, The Incredibles.

But my favorite 3D movie of all time is probably Final Fantasy: The spirits within. One of the best sci-fi movies, ever...It's sad it did so bad at box office.


periariyx August 1 2009, 11:57:54 UTC
I agree, especially in regards to the style (like I was kind of stoked for Bolt, and under its original director it actually had original-looking CGI, but then Lasseter took over and it got turned into generic CGI and I cried/was confused. And then refused to ever see it). I think WALL-E is my favourite Pixar movie, and I'm so unbelievably stoked for the TS1/2 re-releases into theatres it's ridiculous.

D: And aw. I've never seen it - FF isn't one of my things - but it always kind of sucks really bad when something you adore doesn't do as well.


tee_sama August 1 2009, 16:29:47 UTC
Yeah, I felt the same about Bolt. I saw it only because it was free and they showed it before Iron man, hah. Wall-E really is awesome and it has beautiful CGI. I honestly can't wait till TS3.

The problem is that FF: The spirits within has nothing to do with the series of games. I was never their fan, so I was skeptical when my friend dragged me to see it. :)


skips August 1 2009, 15:04:10 UTC
Okay, first off, oh my god, you're from Alberta and that is in my book completely awesome my book. (Forgive me I was born there, I have a soft spot for it.) Secondly, fake news/American politics, and House and Pixar are all fandom and are amazing.

And everything else has just sort of sucked me in, so may I friend you? ♥


periariyx August 1 2009, 18:48:42 UTC
:DD Nobody on the internet is ever from Alberta. Seriously, I know like, one other person who was born/lives here. Total. I APPROVE OF THE ALBERTA ENTHUSIASM.

Also, eeeeee yay. Friend away!


skips August 2 2009, 01:16:05 UTC
Well you want to know something? You're my first Alberta person. SO YAY FOR FINDING PEOPLE.

And it's also delightful to know that I'm not the only seventeen/eighteen year old who has problems with driving.


periariyx August 2 2009, 01:23:31 UTC
This province needs more love!!

Oh god you too? This delights me also. And makes me feel completely relieved. Ahh yay.


skips August 2 2009, 01:36:23 UTC
Yes!! And I just actually looked at where you are and you're in Calgary. Your awesome meter just keeps going up.

Me too. The last friend I had who wasn't able to drive got her license in May. I literally was like, "Shit, now I really have to bite the bullet and do it, don't I?".


periariyx August 2 2009, 01:40:24 UTC
:D Is that where you were born? My other Alberta!friend is from Edmonton and that's always given us some great hilarity.

Not all of my friends even have their licenses yet, I just figure I... really really should get mine since I'm going to university in like five weeks to a place that's a two hour drive away from home. So it would only make sense. I think. Still terrifies me though. D:


skips August 2 2009, 01:50:19 UTC
:D No, I'm going to have join your other Alberta!friend on the Edmonton train. I was born there, but my mother adores Calgary and she passed the adoration onto me.

I have a year to go before university, but my dad is insistant on me getting it, he's been trying since I was fifteen. And it makes sense, I am just terrified of driving. Years upon years of nightmares that end in car crashes tend to do that to a person. D: If you want I'll wave a flag that says "YOU CAN DO IT." :D


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