on religious iconography and general nuttiness

Nov 18, 2004 00:19


surely most of you have seen this by now, as it is apparently national news.

this is a grilled cheese sandwich in which an image of the virgin mary appeared. it apparently sold on ebay for $5100.

this raises two questions of vital importance:

first, how often does the virgin mary (or other major religious figures) manifest herself in food items unnoticed? how many grilled virgin maries were eaten before someone noticed this one?

second, is there a steady market for iconographic comestibles, and if so, does the type of food dictate the price of the item? obviously, a virgin mary appearing in a bowl of soup is too transient to be valuable, but is a jesus-shaped potato worth more than a virgin mary cheese sandwich due to issues of durability/spoilage? what about in a steak, which is more expensive than a grilled cheese sandwich?

also, why don't we ever hear about this sort of thing happening in other religions? and will this lead to the manufacture of a foreman-grill-style virgin mary cheese sandwich maker?

i want some answers.
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