Mar 22, 2007 14:25
I was having a think on the way home from dropping Mom off at work this morning...before I passed out asleep for about ohh...3 hours. haha. I was thinking about what music means to me as a person. My dad wants me to 'come visit his band practice' tonight, when all I want is to go to the Vegas to Verona show at Cicero's tonight. Vegas to Verona is melodic hardcore; Dad's in a pussy ass Christian band. Now, I have nothing against Christian bands in general..but this is a bunch of old dudes sitting around singing about Jesus and God and stuff. As far as I can tell, it's not anything to really capture my attention, because I love music. But for your music to become the love of my life it's got to have a drum beat that positively kicks you in the stomach, a bass beat from a bass guitar that positively rattles your brain and turns into mush (like the Egyptians did to mummies. *evil grin*), guitar(s) that if their sound were personified it would be like shards of glass fying at your face, leaving sharp cuts that drip blood, and on top of it all a vocalist howling his or her frustrations at the world and crooning his or her final farewell. (Which of course it wouldn't be.) To me, THAT is music. And basically, I've figured out that if it doesn't have a kicking drum beat, it's NOTHING.
So what's a girl to do?