Apr 25, 2020 02:51
Hi all! I am looking for two specific fics (pretty sure they are separate)
FOUND: 1. I am trying to find another scene where Kirk is in the medbay after the Narada. The scene I am thinking of is that Starfleet releases a list of casualties from the Narada attack, and Kirk goes on a ship wide announcement and reads out the list. I think it takes a couple hours and Bones eventually goes in to stop him right as he is finishing and his voice is going out.
FOUND: 2. The second is where Jim has always had random instances where time freezes and he is able to wonder around. I think when he is young he jumps off a cliff and doesn't get injured, which makes him not afraid of heights to a dangerous degree later. Once he gets on the Enterprise, he finds out Spock experiences the same thing and they get to know each other better during the freeze times.
Sound familiar? Most likely on AO3 or ff.net. Thanks!