Yule, and costume thoughts

Dec 05, 2011 17:52

Last Saturday was our Baronial Yule, and it was an enjoyable if brief evening of good folks and great food - potluck style. There were many folks there I didn't know or knew minimally, and I'm not a social butterfly so I kinda stayed around some of the ladies and gents that I knew. Sadly, a few friends did not attend, one was sick and her husband ( Read more... )

costume, a&s, sca

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sstormwatch December 8 2011, 20:20:10 UTC
Thank you for your compliments. :-)

I've only been in the SCA for about 5 years, although I've been doing this level of costume work for a few years before then. Looking at the quality of work that recent Laurels are doing, I can see I need improvements in doing things more in the historical manner, instead of using more modern stuff.

As to not receiving any A&S awards until now, I can only presume that folks may have thought I'd already gotten those awards or something. The last time anyone talked to me about getting an award, they suggested the one right below a laurel, whose name I've forgotten right now. I don't think they knew I hadn't received any kingdom award yet, and that was a couple of years ago. I heard nothing further and figured it just wasn't the right time or something.

It also may be I've not taught enough classes at the kingdom level yet. We only have those once a year for Collegium, and I've not offered as I've not been sure what sort of class to teach that would be of interest - that I've not taught at kingdom level before. I figure I've got a year to come up with something new, can teach it locally in August, and offer it for GWW in October, or for next year's kingdom Collegium when the time comes around. My problem with teaching locally is that I'm the only one who does late period costuming, so I tend to teach things that are broad spectrum in the time frame. This tends to be beginner classes as well.

It may also be lack of exposure, as I live in the northern most area of the kingdom and don't travel much to the main events down south. I have limited travel funds so I have to pick & chose when/where I go, so not that many folks know me, but some do. Some are here on LJ and they do see what I work on, but it may be a year or so between actual in person visits. I am hoping to travel to kingdom events a bit more this upcoming year and beyond.

But really, these are just guesses on my part. I don't really know why.


lirianna December 10 2011, 02:52:00 UTC
One of the really negative things about the SCA is the politics of things like awards and such. It really comes down to who you know and how well-adjusted that person is in their regular life. It is sad but I have seen perfectly nice, normal people become the most horribly shameless, power-hungry, narrow-minded nitwits once they get a whiff of somehow being seen as a person of importance in the SCA. And it is for that reason that receiving awards most of the time becomes a game... how many hoops you can jump through... or it is subject to someone else's interpretation of whether or not you have "served your time".

One thing I was wondering... are you apprenticed to anyone? If you talk to those in your area, ask them if there are any Laurels in the area that specialize in what you like to do and/or are good at. If so, they can get you in contact with one of them and they can help you navigate your local area's social events or A&S competitions to get yourself some exposure.

Honestly, I think you would be a shoo-in to be apprenticed to a Laurel right off the bat even with the little bits I have seen! :)


sstormwatch December 10 2011, 04:27:28 UTC
My area is thankfully pretty free of that level of pettiness, they are rather carefree folks, who pretty much aren't interested in going for the awards - they've already gotten them, and except for one or two, aren't interested in becoming a laurel. One of my friends I'd like to help get her more exposure as well since she's received all the awards but..., but her real life is rather hectic so I'm not sure how to help her right now. She's been very encouraging of my stuff, and has commented that I know more of the "right folks" than she does, and she's been in this several years longer than me.

I am not apprenticed. My Barony has only one Laurel (fairly new), and while she could help me on the embroidery interests I have, she's not into costuming much. I do have laurel friends, but I see them more as friends first, than laurels. I've found out after the fact that ladies I know around the globe from online & mailing lists are laurels in other kingdoms, but many years after becoming online friends.

The Laurels in my kingdom are mostly down south several hours away. I've been introduced to several in various fields, from embroidery and scribal arts, to other fields. A few read my LJ. I actually am not sure which ones are into costuming specifically. I guess when I see them next, I should ask. I guess I won't get very far if I don't ask what to do next or who to talk to.

I am planning on doing more competitions. There is one in a few months for Queen's A&S Champion, but the plan was to enter my current embroidery piece (which needs to be finished soon), since I've not done any new costume that would be worthy - but I do plan on wearing my last creation as well. I figure that couldn't hurt. The rules only allow for one official entry or I'd enter one in each category. I guess I'll leave that to our next major A&S, which I've got to figure out what costume to create for that.

And thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate your thoughts.


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