West Kingdom 12th Night ideas.

Oct 03, 2011 21:40

There are a few things I am pondering on, that has my mind in a whir. One just today, when I found out a friend in the West Kingdom is going to be elevated to a Laurel this upcoming 12th Night (go sarahbellem!). I would really like to watch this happen. I've missed out on other elevations of friends not having the transportation, but if I can get to this event I'd really like to do so. So I am pondering how that will be done, as winter in my area means a lot of fog on random days. Sometimes it isn't too bad, and sometimes it is pea soup, and I hate driving in pea soup. Yeah, I grew up here, have driven the pea soup here, and it stresses me out big time.

So, I am pondering taking the train, since the West Kingdom's 12th Night is in Concord, only about 8 miles from the Martinez Amtrak station. The issue would be getting a ride from the train station to the hotel. The other issue is the cost of the hotel. Ideally, I'd like to have roommates to help lower the cost. However, other than Sarah and her close friends, I'm not sure who else will be going to 12th Night, and who I might be able to room with, that isn't already full up with family or friends. I hope there will be enough time between now and then to sort all this out.

Anyone here going to West Kingdom's 12th Night??

As to what I plan on wearing, well, I plan on wearing what I recently made (see icon), but finished with all the proper accessories. No, it isn't full court wear, but I don't want to drag out my court wear because it isn't about what I am wearing, it is about supporting a friend and what she is wearing. If she wants me to wear full courtwear - I do have the black & white 1590s outfit that matches her colors, but it isn't her chosen time period, and I'd stick out like a really big sore thumb. I'd rather stick with the plainer well-to-do but not courtly outfit and enjoy the event, and be available to help her, in comfort.

The other thought I'm having, will be addressed in my creative lj kimikosews.

costume, sca

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