Indigo to grow, pt 2

Jan 26, 2010 15:14

My mind would not shut up last night until I could hunt down my copy of A Dyer's Garden and look up on the indigo plants. Both types I was looking into are listed in the book. Both have very similar requirements. Mostly, the main requirement is sunlight, lots of it, with a long growing season if I want it to seed in the fall, which I do. Moisture can be given by drip or soaker lines and a good base of mulch. This I can easily set up. I just have to make sure they get watered on a daily basis during our hottest parts of the summer. It was also suggested for the Japanese indigo to provide shade during the hottest part of the day, which is also not a problem as my garden side goes into shade in the afternoon around 3pm, having had from sunup to then to get plenty of sun. So, basically the info went, if the area can grow cotton, it can grow indigo. And considering the whole bloody central valley grows cotton in full sun with no shade, I think I've got a viable shot at growing my own indigo plants.

So, I think I will try growing both types of indigo. The S.American one looks like a nice bush, and I know of a good spot or two for a few of those bushes around my backyard. The Japanese one I will grow like I do my veges in its own full plot. We shall see which works better for my needs.

I think I need to replot my yard for this. Good thing I only wanted one tomato plant this year.

garden, dyeing

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