Bits of things

Aug 29, 2009 16:32

Went to the heart doctor on Friday morning for my checkup. Doc says that most of my stats are looking good still, but I am slowly gaining weight. I also have some issues that are not good with regards to my arteries. So, I MUST get exercising again. MUST. Me, Ms. Couch Potato. Either that or even stronger meds, which I will be on the rest of my life. I don't want that. I am tired of the meds, so exercise it is. I am thankful that going back to the SB diet is not required at this point. But I am still eating healthy, doing high fibers, low fats, low sugars, just with treats now and then which I can do. I do need more vege variety again, as I am getting tired of tomatoes.

So today we went out and bought two adult bikes, so the two adults in this family can have a fun way of exercising, and of keeping up with the little ones when they ride their bikes. Mine is a comfort bike, and Rob got a hybrid bike. My plan is to ride my bike in the morning with Relle once Cam is off to school. I loved to bike ride, and this, along with dancing, and walking, are my planned forms of exercise for my health. Health is important.

I also sent my payment in for GWW, so I am all paid. I am also a paid SCA member again. I have to get my tent out sometime to figure out its size, and also figure out what else I need to make or get or whatever for the event. I may need to buy a sleeping bag, too. I also need to make some warmer clothes for the evening hours at that event.

Yesterday after dinner I came home to find a new book on our front porch. It was "At Home in Renaissance Italy", which is another huge volume that I had bought on sale for only $30! (original price is nearly $90). The book contains not only paintings and frescos, it also has a wide variety of extant items, from majolica plates to extant bed frames, and even an interesting ceramic scribal tool holder. It makes a good match to the other Italian furnishings book I got from the library.

I still have one more book on order, but I have no idea when it will come in.

And I am working on proofing a certain upcoming pattern for its historical notes. Soon, very soon!

Well, back to proofing.

health, personal, book, sca

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