A Day at Crown Tourney

Aug 22, 2009 19:09

I am home from Caid's Crown Tourney, and am showered, resting, and rehydrating. It was a very muggy and hot day. At least we did get the clouds, and it did cool down from the 100+ highs we had earlier in the week, and the winds did give us a good breeze from time to time, and at one point was rather brisk. And thankfully, I did not go down from the heat, although I did have a headache before I left.

I got up early today, and went to Kearney Park where the event happened; a nice park with lots of grass and shady trees. It took awhile for people to arrive and set up their tents, so I didnt have to be up so early. But I didn't want to miss the pageantry of the day. At Opening Court, I was called into Court, which surprised me (my friends said I had the deer caught in the headlights look). King Edward II and Queen Mora II then awarded another lady (Anya?) and myself with an Award of Arms! I later took advantage of this during the afternoon to sit with Master James of the Lake to get my name written down, and a device drawn out to be submitted for my offical name and heraldic arms.

I also sat at Gate for awhile to give poor Robin a break from her duties. While sitting there, one of the Baroness' Ladies in Waiting came over and said her Excellency wanted to know if I would be willing to be a Lady in Waiting for her. Wow! I really was not expecting this, and I told her yes, I would be Honored. It will be interesting keeping up with Meg, since she likes to get away from her Protectors and ladies when she can. This may mean a change of arrangements for GWW, tho.

The tourney was good and enjoyable to watch. There seemed to be many people there (compared to what I've seen before at other local events). Lots of shade pavillions surrounding the fighting area (erik), which was also in the shade as much as possible. I still would not want to be the guys in those hot suits of armor, but they did well and no one went down that I heard of. Except for one apparantly (who I know but won't mention by name), who allowed his temper to get the better of him during combat, but he graciously apologized to all at ending court.

And while Nordwache had 3 or 4 fighters vying to be king, the day was won by Calafia's new Prince and Princess: Patrick OMalley and Kara the Twin, as noted by Eilidh in her FB post. It was rather moving to watch the look on Kara's face as she realized she was now Crown Princess.

Another thing of interest to myself was meeting a friend of my eldest son named Gregory. The friend has returned to Dinuba, and is only a year younger than my son. I think he was a bit surprised to find his friend's mom in the same kind of group as he has interest in. He's also an history major, which is why he feels getting back into the SCA is a good fit for him. Not sure how his female friend felt about what was going on, as she seemed a little bored by it all.

I also wanted to note that my idea for my Tailor's shade awning is not going to work, as any little wind, and one side will want to lift up and away! I am going to have to rethink the ideas, and maybe take a look at the Dragonwing style of awning.

And one last thing, on a somewhat sad note. Some members from the Starkhoffen Barony (Vegas and area) were on their way to today's event and seems to have rolled their suv. There were some injuries and one or two are in the hospital. So please send out good vibes that direction. I don't know who they are personally, but some of my baronial members did know them, and were saddened by what happened.

Well... off to take some pain meds, as my head is still hurting a bit, and I may lie down to help that.

tailor's shop, personal, sca

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