Good day at Academia.

Aug 15, 2009 17:37

Went to my Barony's Academia today (our yearly classes on various things medieval). I got there a little late, but well packed for Scriptorium.

I decided not to teach anything sewing related, since... well I've not had many students interested, since I am late period, and most everyone else is much earlier. Many do Viking and so what I know would not translate well to what the other want to learn. So, I offered to sit Scriptorium for those interested in learning the basics or wanted to paint a charter (about all I can offer at this point), or who wanted to bring their stuff and do whatever they needed for their own scroll.

I did get two sitting in the classroom, who were much more advanced than I am. I didn't remember their names but they were very kind, friends of Mistress Teleri's, and I believe from Wintermist. There was no one else who came by, so I spent the morning working on my own scroll project, and looking at the books Teleri had brought that I hadn't already looked at.

The teachers had lunch provided for us of pizza, and I enjoyed chatting with some of the folks, mostly about cats and their hair problems. I fitted Robin (she's changed her SCA name, and I can't remember the new one) with my old loose gown for her to use at an upcoming demo, although she may not be going for health reasons. But the gown fit her, she's got a fitted gown she can wear under it, and I will bring extra jewels to add on. So if she goes, she will be set costume wise.

The afternoon I learned from Teleri the embroidery art of Or Nue, which really is a lot simpler in technique than I thought. The difficulty comes in figuring out how to shade with embroidery thread, which is a bit harder than I thought. But I am hooked on it. We have a little goblet with a diaper background that I should finish up tonight. And then I am going to look around for something else to work out... what I am not sure, but I want a small piece that I can work on as I've got time; just to enjoy. Really... I need to work on my blackwork partlet I've got the supplies for, but that requires a little more prep.

I then went back to the Scriptorium room and transferred the drawing to the watercolor paper I am using (hot press). I also got it covered where I don't want hand smudges, and is now ready for me to draw in the lines to do the calligraphy. So, some progress on that, and a nudge towards getting it actually worked on.

While the schedule stated we would go to 5, it seemed that things were wrapping up early so I left by 4:30 or so as one of the last to go. There is a party going on but I decided to come home and enjoy family and friends time here. Oddly, it was only 90 F today! Which made the drive home tolerable in Rob's old Camero (no a/c in his car).

A couple of side notes. It seems that one of my friends in the Barony is going to be divorcing, and she may not be doing events anymore. She's our main Scribal contact person... so I am not sure what to do at this point, and our Baroness wasn't around to talk to (she was busy at her shop).

I also learned that Mistress Teleri received her Laurel in illumination! That really makes me nervous since she asked me some time ago to do a scroll for her. But we talked, and the two from Wintermist mentioned above suggested I do either a Harp or a Dolphin for her (less wordy, more illumination space). I then found out that she's nervous as she's been asked to do a scroll for a noted calligrapher. That's helped me some, to know that she's nervous about doing things for others. I am thinking of doing a white vine style for her scroll, but am not married to the idea yet. I need more examples to look at, and have some books and online sources to hunt down first.

I think I am going to get offline now that I've caught up on the few emails I had, and do more work on the or nue project. Maybe I can finish it tonight!

embroidery, scribe, personal, illumination, sca

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