That's done!

Jul 25, 2009 20:19

I just finished up the class handout page, which I decided would be definition pages of the four styles of hoods I am going to talk about; draped, Anne of Brittany, French and English. All with a marked image to help with the definitions.

Some of the portraits I will be showing in class actually fall outside of those 4 main styles, but I believe them to be variations on the theme. If they had specific period names to them, I have yet to find them. And one of them makes me wonder about Anne Boleyn's portrait where she is wearing a "French hood"... or was it really a Flemish hood?

I am going to sit on these four pages, and go over them again later, to make sure I didn't miss something, before I send them off for printing. I may even re-arrange the order of terms, from alphabetical to something more appropriate (tho' what is appropriate I am not sure).

Next up is creating a final outline of my talk, but that's after game, and after I finish off the items I will be bringing with me. Soon... birthday cake time! German chocolate, too.

costume college, teaching, hats

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