My day...

Jul 23, 2009 23:21

I am just finishing more class prep work, getting images of the 4 main types of hoods I am focusing on, all from portraits not redraws, and all marked as to the various parts in terms, although my books are kind of hazy on some terms, so I will have to note that some are modern terms to qualify things. I am also revising my thinking on the evolution of French hoods, thinking the influence might *might* be more Flemish than actually French. But that's only because one new image has skewed my thinking.

In other news... I am also dealing with a hurting mouth. This afternoon I had another root canal, and this one I thought would be as easy as the other two, but this time it was NOT! Pain, oh my God, such PAIN!! More than just pressure, as the tooth recently became infected, so the pain injections were only working in certain areas, and at times I could feel the nerves being taken out, even with extra injections. Next time, should there ever be a next time, I will make sure I have no infection before getting the root canal done. Next time I will reschedule, and let meds do its work on the infection first, so I won't have to deal with the pain again.

At least I got a chocolate milkshake to enjoy for dinner, although my tummy is now very hungry. I tried eating some salami slices, chewing on the other side... but it isn't enough for my hungry tummy, and I don't dare eat any proteins that require more chewing. Hopefully tomorrow it won't be so tender.

And in kitty news... Bootsy is getting used to the house finally. I won't let her into my sewing room since she is a long hair, or the laundry room because it is a pile of messes... if I could keep her out of the play room I would be happy, but that room has no doors. But the rest of the house has been checked out, and she's finding her favorite hiding places, like under my husband's dresser, or under our bed, in our bedroom. I have to get used to her desire to play *after* the kids head off to bed... which means that she is sleepiest during the day when the kids want to play with her of course. It also means she wants to play with our toes and knees and fingers and... well whatever she can find at night while we are trying to sleep. So, she's finding the bathroom her main room at night... for now. I need my sleep, but I am falling for the playful kitty.

Well... off to relax a little before bed.

cat, health, costume college, teaching, personal

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