dress dummies and tailoring ideas.

Jun 27, 2009 19:50

Period dress dummy... an effigy! Like the one of Queen Elizabeth I herself. I found a written description of it here.

It is described as a straw stuffed fabric body, with wooden arms, with a wax head. The wax head is now missing from the effigy that remains, as you can see here.

Elizabeth I effigy

stuffed body with wooden arms, showing pair of bodies and linen drawers.

I found the image on this page: http://web.comhem.se/~u31138198/diary1.html

I am still hunting down info on what a tailor's shop would look like, especially on the supplies within. I've not hunted down period woodcuts yet, although I do remember there is at least one I've seen. I did find this little commentary, but it is about a Colonial tailor's shop. The table they are sitting on is what reminded me of the woodcut... so lets see... here's the one! Here's one of an embroiderer, another of a ... leather worker? Other woodcuts of Josts are here. I think looking at these images, I might find appropriate items to put into the shop.

edit: Oooh, I also found this interior image painting of a tailor's shop... from 1661, but it helps. And on the floor... that looks like an iron? among the scraps. The tailor almost looks like clothprogs with his long hair. :-)

Anyone know where I might find reproduction tailor's shears? And would I need a repro "yard stick"? Hmmm...

You know... the more I ponder the idea... the more I really think it would work for me. But not this year. I need to fulfill my obligations, and get my research, act and stuff together.

renfaire, ideas, tailor's shop

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