Sleepies, and cleaning update.

Jun 02, 2009 20:58

Not even 9pm, and I am starting to nod off. Last night I went to bed early, but didn't fall asleep until after Rob went to bed which was late. I slept in a bit this morning, too, after getting Cam ready for school. I think I best get back to more veges, and less carbs and sugars, and see if that doesn't help me with the sleepies.

And my sewing room is getting better and worse at the same time.

The biggest pile of mess is now returned to various parts of the room, and the cutting table was taken from its large size to the narrow table, and the floor under it picked up and vacuumed. I even moved some of the books from one area, into two piles to be put into the new bookshelf once I get back to that area. The empty space was immediately filled with pattern boxes, binders, and some nicknacks until I figure out what else to put there. Still have lots to do, from sorting pattern pieces back into their baggies, and finding homes for various other small parts.

I realize that I need to make a few things for my sewing room, before I get back to making stuff to wear. Curtains are my first priority, as the room gets hot in the afternoon with just the cheap blinds. I have the fabric and blackout liner for both windows, so I only need a few other things.

I need garment covers for my b&w outfit, and maybe make a few boxes for storage of hats. And something with pockets for storing my large rulers and curves, which I can hang on the pantry door, although I may just pound in a few nails to hang those up.

Need to make a larger cover for my headform, which I have a pattern for. If I am going to make hats for myself, it needs to be on a form that is my head size. My current form (found used on eBay) is one size too small, so not much padding will be needed.

And my embroidery machine needs to be taken in for a good tune-up. I rarely use it, and last time I did, it didn't do well with the threads. I also need to find a home for it where it won't get so dusty. It has a plastic cover, but it was near the window that I usually keep open when it is cool enough, and hence the dust. Sure that doesn't help it. Maybe I can find a clear spot somewhere safe, or make up a larger full cover for it.

And I found that I have the pattern & color of fabric I want for my secret project... only I have 2 yards total (so not enough), and it is completely dead dino. I think I will use it for either my tent wall as a headboard sort of thing, or use it for Pat's canopy of state thing (the part that would be seen). I wish I had bought the whole roll, now. Oh well.

Next few things to do is to sort patterns, find homes for various tools, sort and shelve books into new bookcase, sort the lower cabinet space again, realize I can't find homes for everything so I need to purge stuff, take purged stuff out of the room and donate or sell off somewhere. Put up drawing board, cork board, images already in frames, get frames for other images then put those up, find something to hold my tall tools and pattern paper. Figure out where to put my ironing tools as the drawer idea is not working. Vacuum room completely. Return my dress dummy into the room (it's currently residing in the bathroom) - I think it will stay in one corner near the bookcase, maybe.

Well... music has been uploading and is near done, and my iPod is charged again! Time to do more cleaning before I fall asleep on this couch.

health, housework, food, sewing room

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