A Day in the 7th circle of Hell (according to my GuildMistress).

May 16, 2009 21:07

I am home from a long day at faire... a long, very HOT DAY at faire. VERY HOT.

The day started warm, and I did get into full court dress, thinking I would spend my time drinking G2 and sitting in the shade. I even got photos of myself in said full dress just so I could share with folks reading my sewing blog (kimikosews ... it will get there tomorrow), and then promptly took off the sleeves once I was done. Our Queen did command that sleeves, ruffs, and closed shirts were optional, and took advantage of it, except I did keep my shirt closed to prevent sunburn.

So, I managed to wander around the small faire site (about a dozen merchants, sadly), and sat in the shade of our pavilion (lack of trees in our area of site) to await her Majesty. She had a problem with her wig, so our procession was a little late. But we then followed her and her group to our gathering point, lined up, and processed the short route round faire to end up back at court in her glade under the trees, which were sadly near the privies, too. Yes, we joked about have "Privy Council", etc. Patty is very good as Queen I must say. She knew her courtiers names, except the two who switched characters on her. She knew her history full well, and her court had a full array of gigs planned, and unplanned. My only complaint was not of her, but of the heat... which by the time it came for repast, had done me in and all thoughts of lunch went away as a bit of nausea hit me telling me it was time to dress down into peasants.

So, dressed into my linen dress, I laid out in the shade of our pavilion to try and deal with the headache, downing G2, soaking kerchiefs with water to cool me off, and failing miserably. The rest of my guild had taken off to the RV with running a/c that belonged to one couple, and I had no idea which one that was in the field of RVs. Finally one member found me lying in a befuddled state, and helped me to walk the distance to the RV field, and I spent the rest of the afternoon recovering in AC bliss! Well, not all bliss, as the nausea went to full on vomiting of my breakfast and drinks, which actually helped me to feel a lot better, enough to allow me to actually fall asleep on the little sofa and let the worst of the headache and nausea pass.

Faire ended with canon shot boom, I left the coolness of the RV, walked back to site, chatted with the faire producers, got to our camp and retreived my keys, walked back up to the RV lot to retrieve my car, drove down again to get all of my things from camp, and drove home happy to be in my cooler car. I am still recovering from the heat, with a remnant of a headache still annoying me. I found out that it did hit 100F today.

Now I am home, and am playing our usual AD&D game, which is coming soon to a close of this storyline. I will not be going back to faire tomorrow, as temps are expected to be 104F (or maybe higher as today was only supposed to be 97). My body could not take today, so I know it won't take tomorrow at all. I ... am getting older, and from what Roger said, I will always be susceptible to having heat exhaustion. So, I must relent, and realize that I cannot do events, ren-faire or SCA, that are going to be hot, like it was today. I even did all I was supposed to, drank the right stuff a lot, ate salty foods, avoided caffeine, and it wasn't enough to help me. So, I have to do what is best for my older body, and only attend events that I can keep cool and stay healthy.

So this mean that if I want to go to Baronial Anniversary, I will have to plan accordingly. Thankfully, they do have a cool creek to jump into, and I don't wear court nobles there. But... it will depend on the temps. 100+, heck 95+ is now too hot for me I think. I can only hope for something bearable in June.

renfaire, health, personal, weather, sca

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