In the garden today

Apr 05, 2009 18:20

I planted a few more things. I got some seed packets out, and planted carrot seeds all around the tomato and marigolds, in the spaces in between. I figure they can grow, get pulled and eaten before the main plants actually fill those spaces.

Then onion seeds went into the low bed, taking up a 2' x 3' section. Chives plant went into a 1'x1' area, leaving a similar area for another plant. I want to do carrots in the artichoke bed... but I will give that some time as I have a feeling I will have lots of carrots coming up at once otherwise.

The curly parsley was transplanted into a pot of its own, and placed in the sunny vege garden area. It was really being overshadowed quite literally by the lemon balm, which got a little trimming. The 2 strawberry plants were finally set into their special pot, which was moved near the artichoke plant.

The mini rose bush was trimmed to allow more light below it for the herbs underneath. And the sage plant is about to bloom! I wonder what they will look like, but there are buds all over the plant.

And Rob planted the two basils we had, one in the melon patch, the other in the last shady spot with the herbs. He also prepped a bed in the shade for our two new berry plants, then went to the store to get more mulch and acid mulch for other plants and, sand, and pebbles so I can mulch our lavender plants.

Still have space for more veges, so I need to figure out what else to grow that we will eat (and that's in season).


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