Pretty 16th c. embroidery strip

Apr 01, 2009 20:19

On Tribes, Octavia posted a link to the Cleveland Museum of Art's database search, and they have *lots* of textiles that are searchable. I went through the Silks, and limited the search to 1500-1600s, and saw lots and lots of different velvets, textiles, embroideries, and other forms of silk from various nations, but lots from Italy, some Spanish, and a few English, too.

One embroidered strip caught my eye, as I would swear I saw something similar from in the past few years, and I thought it would be too modern to be used. I was wrong. Now I want to buy some, or maybe get a good copy of this image and recreate a little of it, because it is pretty!
Title:Embroidered Strip
Maker:Italy, late 16th century
Medium: embroidery; silk on linen
Measurements: Overall: 29.2cm x 175.2cm
Date:late 1500s
Classification: Textile
Accession Number:1929.844

photo, embroidery, trims, research

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