Baronial meeting and upcoming SCA events.

Mar 10, 2009 01:04

I went to my local Baronial meeting, and it was good.

Lots to talk about. Lots of happiness, as one of our ladies (Lady Teleri) will be elevated to LAUREL!! (woohoo!!) at next Coronation. I am very happy for her, and so is the Barony. She is an incredible artist, and as I've said before, am in awe of her work, in embroidery and illumination, and she plays various instruments, AND is a very friendly and helpful lady.

Upcoming, we have Treasure Chest weekend in April, which the Royals will be there (eep!). I have volunteered to do water bearing duty with Lady Muriel. I also hope to find time to do some A&S, and the Seneschal and A&S officer are willing to set up a pavillion for people to do whatever arts they want with shade. So, I will have to prep something to work on during the weekend. Also, Muriel has asked for an Arts Table, with donations by the artists in our Barony for a silent auction thing. She's offering a fine handsewn veil of linen lawn, and I thought maybe of doing a handsewn coif or biggin, maybe with some blackwork edging or something nice. I may even donate some soaps, although I am hoping to give that as part of the group largesse. Not sure what else I could make that would appeal to others, since most are not into 16th century stuff, and I have limited time considering the big project I am behind on.

I guess this means I need to cancel my FFG plans for that weekend. Ah well.

In other events, seems the Barony's Pirate event, will again be the same weekend as Queen Bess & the Pyrates, so no attending that this year, again. Also, it won't be at Duke Guy's place, as he won't be involved with things this year. Not sure where it will be at, but no matter I guess, since I won't be there.

Looking ahead, there is Anniversary in June the weekend before Father's Day. Academia in August, along with Crown at Kearney the weekend after. I want to teach something at Academia, but I have no idea what. And I guess I will be attending Crown since it is only a few minutes away. So, I will definitely need something nice, and not too hot, to wear there. Maybe I should finish my teal silk gown for it. That works.

Well, this is really adding pressure to my costume list, since I also have various hoods I need to make up or redo for CoCo. so I need to get my bum into gear with the Big project! I only have 2 ribbons left on the farthingale to cross it off the list, and the rest... well I keep stalling, and that's not a good thing. I think it is past time, to make up a list, and stop spending so much time on this computer.

ffg, renfaire, costume, sca

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