Stuff and hangers

Feb 11, 2009 20:55

What is wrong with me? I got in my fabric package this afternoon, and it sits unopened in my bedroom.

At least I can see the floor in my bedroom now. But I realized that not only am I a Collector, I am also a Hoarder, as I have hoarded lots of stuff that I don't really need right now, but I might use them again ... someday. I think that is a carryover from my Mom, who really hoarded a lot of things, from rubber bands, to a drawer full of unused fast-food chopsticks, because you know, she might need them... even tho she also had a large amount of regular nice laquered chopsticks, too.

I have hangers, boxes of hangers, and I don't know what to do with them all. Goodwill won't take them (I know, I tried to give hangers to them and they said only this once, not again.) They are plastic ones, and wooden ones, some for skirts, some regular ones... and I have 4 boxes full of them. I don't have that many clothes in all of our closets! The kids have their own hangers and I do need a few more of their kind, but regular adult hangers... what do I do with them? Googling on "recycle plastic hangers" tells me how most are thrown away, because most cities don't recycle the plastic or metal. I don't want to throw them away.

Anyway, I need to work on sorting through the boxes I have. I think most of what I've been thinking I would eBay, will probably go to the Friends of the Library, or to a thrift store. Anyone want some acrylic knitting yarn? I have 3-4 skeins in a cream with motly color that were my Mom's and never used. I guess thrift store is going to be best, to get it out of my hair. I have lots of stuff that will be heading that way, from old but usable clothes, to a variety of small stuff.

Well, off to open my fabric bundle. Maybe it might put me in a good mood or something.

fabric, housework, personal

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