Slow night with Hood pics

Feb 01, 2009 23:48

I wanted to take a break from sewing, so I've been fiddling online since this afternoon.

I was trying to update my French hood pages, for the 1590s, as I found a few images online that were nice. Then I remembered Sarah's suggestion about using effigies for showing "French" hoods, since one can see if there is a hood or not on them. So, I went to the Tudor Effigy Database, and have spent the rest of the evening waiting very patiently for each image I click on to load. Not sure why the slow loading speed, but I can be patient.

Problem is... there are so many images in the 1590s that have ladies wearing the Fhs, that I am not done with my updated page. So, I will finish off sometime later, maybe tomorrow or not. I started at the end, so I started at 1603, and am down to 1593. I am not downloading every image mind you, just the main page, and sometimes one image to see if there is something down the backside or not. I am pleasantly surprised how many have those hoods on, and there is one wearing a gabled something or other, from the 1550s I think. I will snag that later.

But another that really caught my eye, and says something about how older women will sometimes blend old and new-ish kinds of fashions.
Here's Lady Suzanna Saltonstall (née Poyntz).

Comes from

Her husband was Lord Mayor of London in 1597. They had been married for 50 years! He died in his 80s. They had 16 children together, 11 of which survived to see him buried. The monument was built in 1601. But she's dressed like the mid-late 1550s, only with a larger suite of ruffs, and a nice fur skin. She looks... different, yet well put together. I only wish there was more images of her backside. There is a part of me that wants to make this outfit, for some odd reason.

Well, off to bed. I have to visit the heart doctor for my yearly stress test tomorrow, so I better be well rested. Ok, at least have some sleep.

web design, photo, costume, hats, elizabethan

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