A good day.

Jan 12, 2009 23:24

Today was a good day. I woke up in a good mood, and Relle even let me snooze a bit longer as she didn't get up until nearly 9am! I had already been up to get Cam ready for school, but a little extra snoozing is nice.

I was supposed to get bloodwork done, but realized my purse was missing. Can't give them my medical card without my purse. Realized I had left it at hsifeng's place yesterday, which I picked up tonight (thanks my dear), so will do the bloodwork tomorrow.

Did some cleaning of my shower (boring, but ouch on the knees), and laundry. Not much sewing today. I was able to sew for about 45 minutes, getting the whole back section done. I then started in on basting the other front piece, and that's when Cam came home from school, and he decided to let Relle out from her nap (nap? What nap?) ok, quiet play time, so that was the end of sewing.

I then downloaded photos, that I hadn't downloaded any since mid September! Lots to organize, and I want to get some uploaded to share with you all. I really should download photos a little more often than once a quarter.

After dinner this evening I went to our Baronial meeting and sat quietly while lots of banter went on around me. Lots of events coming up, and I might actually make several of those events which will be a nice change. Then I helped one lady cut out their various linen shares for others, and drooled over her gold linen (which would look so good with a green wool flannel I have), before I left for the book store.

Bookstore was a requirement, almost, from my husband. He wanted the SBD recipe books so we could enlarge our rather limited cooking options. Yes, we will both be getting back on the Phase 1 portion of the diet, since we both have enjoyed a lot more sugary goodness than we should have been over the holidays. And since we had borrowed both books from the library, we knew there were several recipes we had enjoyed, and will enjoy on P2 as well.

I also picked up an art book that has a number of medieval to renaissance and beyond portraits from the Louvre. And it was cheap, too! One of the pics that really caught my eye is:
Paolo Caliari (Veronese), 1560s: Portrait of a Woman known as "Countess Nani" or "La Bella Nani".
link to Realm of Venus site
I like the outfit a lot, mainly because it is in dark blues, which is not a color I often see in period portraits. Seems elegant, yet ... I don't know what exactly, but it calls to me. There are a number of images in this book that I want to look at in more detail, for a variety of reasons, and maybe get around to sharing with people.

Well, news is done, and my eyes are a little gritty, so time for me to get ready for bed.

effigy bodies, recipes, portrait, south beach diet, 1590s, sewing, personal, sca, book

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