Not going anywhere...

Jan 06, 2009 21:35

Yeah, I've read now the posts about LJ. Like most things, this will probably blow over with little changes on LJ, but I won't be buying a subscription for a bit, until I know things are stable again. And I've been meaning to actually upgrade for awhile.

And if things go away, I will find another blog to write things, I just don't know where. I have read some are going to Insane Journal, and Rob suggested Blogspot, which I had pondered using some time ago. I will figure things out as to which works for my needs, and which has a name I want to use. I've gotten tired of sstormwatch, but as on LJ, my first name alone has been taken by anime fans who haven't posted a THING in years on both suggested blogging sites.

And yes, I am not well again. Today it was my tummy. And I didn't even go to 12th Night in the West Kingdom. So, my sympathies to the others who are even sicker (physically I mean) than me.

health, lj

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