Progress on effigy pattern.

Jan 05, 2009 00:36

Well, I tried the book method, and realized that wasn't working for me. So, I went with my gut instinct instead, breaking rules I am sure. But I have a decent looking pattern that seems to look similar to the effigy pattern.

I don't know how accurate my method was, as I basically folded the dart line out at the waist (which was similar in size to the shoulder dart, so no rotating anything), then shifted the amount I folded out to the center front of the breast level to match the look of the effigy pattern, drawing it to nothing at the waist. Seeing that it took up all the amount I wanted (3"), I shifted that front line out even further, by a half inch, and proceeded to remove that same amount from the side and side back seams (1/4" each). Unorthodox, I believe, and probably breaking all the "rules" of pattern drafting, but like I said, I ended up with a pattern that is shaped similar to the effigy as drawn by Arnold.

I have cut out the pattern in drill, and test fitted one side on my dummy. I found that I didn't take in enough at the waistline, since it was almost meeting, and I wanted at least 2", so I've adjusted the pattern a bit.. The bust is hard to test, since I can't get it to squish much, but it appears to be far enough apart.

Tomorrow I am going to try Margo's method, and see what that looks like. I am also going to have to buy more drill, as I used up the last of my drill, and don't want to cut into the heavy canvas or the coutil for the mockup.

As to photos... I took some, but they are pretty boring. I may post some tomorrow, if there is anything interesting. Hmmm... I think I have Christmas photos on the card, too.

effigy bodies, 1590s, stash, fabric

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