Tudor workshop day.

Sep 27, 2008 22:41

I am a bit tired now, but it has been a good day of "teaching" people about Tudor costuming, and helping to draft out personal smocks based on the pattern I drafted up. Sometime I need to put instructions to go with the pattern. I also helped with some fitting and detail info on one person's kirtle (she's a bit beyond smock already).

Oh, right... I am at ladyaubergine's place, and we came in late last night. I traveled via train to Oakland, then her and her hubby (who reminds me a lot of my own hubby, from long hair, to dislike of onions, and both are computer gurus) took me to their home for today's workshop.

I will write up more tomorrow on the trip. I just wanted to check up on the news, check on email a bit, then shut this off to do some relaxing before heading to bed. I have an early trip back to Stockton tomorrow, then a train ride home to Fresno.

And my heart is sad at the loss of Paul Newman. He was quite a man, a real man.

gbacg, teaching, tudor, sca

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