Weight loss ad on LJ.

Sep 17, 2008 01:17

I am looking at the ad that is on my LJ page right now. It scares me.

"Wanted: Women who are overweight.
Take part of this weight loss study that has helped women in China lose weight.
See if you qualify. (Serious inquiries ONLY please)"

The picture is that of the left side an obese woman (yeah, it has breasts), with her head mostly missing, wearing grey sweats, with the tummy showing, and getting pinched by the left hand and pulled out. Lovely image, don't you think?

Riiiiiiiiight... I want to go on a weight loss plan that Chinese women were on. If I recall correctly, our fat people (myself included) weigh a lot more in general than most Asians do (I am an exception, but then I am also half "American mongrel mutt" as my Dad would say.) I just have a bit of a time thinking about how skinny Chinese women are trying to get, when they are generally skinnier than me to begin with.

But what scares me... is the issue with the latest info about baby formula from china, and pet food from china, both of which was laced with melanine. I really don't want to have anything to do with something dealing with food, and with China, unless it is Chinese food made here in America (which is fattening enough already).

Yeah, I clicked on the link... after many questions (which I haven't answered), the bottom of the page mentions Chinese Weight Loss Tea. So I closed the window, and they want me to talk to a live agent right now, don't go away!

I think I will stick to my usual green tea, tomorrow. Now is past time for this sick lady to get into bed.

weight loss

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