Fabrics organized (almost).

Sep 14, 2008 01:25

So, now that I am back and able to be online, our Internet connection is having fits and starts. I am not sure when I will get to post, or read, or respond to anything now. I think it may be our outside connector

So, the big thing I did manage to almost finish up, was my book of fabrics. I say almost, as I ran out of printed pages with about three or four more larger remnant pieces that I do want to record before sticking them into my boxes. So, I can finish that up tomorrow.

There are a few boxes of scraps that I haven't recorded, but they are organized by type, such as damasks, wools, velvets, real silks, mockup fabrics, and quilters cottons (I don't quilt, but they do make nice pipings). Other scraps I've put into a toss bag to give to someone else, or just toss (or compost?) and a box of fabrics I am debating on what to do with them.

Next up is organizing my patterns, which means hunting down the already completed parts from the old computer hard drive, transfering it over, and then adding in the rest. But that can wait a bit until I get some needed sewing done first.

I did find a new style of pattern box at Hancock's, that has various French corsets on it. The color scheme is black, which does not match my other blue boxes, but it is very cute. It sits alone on top of the cabinets, while the blue ones are bunched on my bookshelf wall. But I have another box waiting to get stuff and it will at least be a paired set.

Well, off to bed. The rest of the email reading and such will have to wait for tomorrow.

fabric, organization

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