RNC musings

Sep 04, 2008 00:11

Tonight I was watching the RNC info on ABC. I am seeing a more diverse group than I did last night on msnbc. But still a lot of white folks in the audience, and I've yet to see anyone Asian.

I am seeing that the RNC still subscribes to the fear tactics of Rove. I am getting really tired of the fear tactics. Do I feel safer? Well, yes, but then I did NOT feel so afraid as it seems much of this country did. Am I complacent? Maybe.

But I will give Guiliani his due, he knows how to work the crowd. And I will also agree that Obama does not have a lot of "leadership" experience. One of my concerns which is why I was more toward McCain or Clinton initially. But Obama does have other factors going for him... like his steadfast belief that the Iraq war was wrong, from the very beginning, just like I have felt. No, not leadership experience, but more the perspective that diplomacy can work, and the need to actually take down Osama bin Laden first for 9/11, not waste our money on a different war, and worse, do it on two fronts.

Interesting also that Guiliani again conflates 9/11 with the need for the Iraq war, just like Bush does, just like McCain does, just like most of the RNC.

I will have to watch the rest tomorrow as I had to wash 'Elle, then I dove back into fabric measuring tonight. That will be the next post.


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