Book authors at CoCo, and other stuff...

Aug 05, 2008 22:08

Forgot to mention that I did get to meet Maggie Secara, the author of CCK (Compendium of Common Knowledge) on Friday night in the Hospitality room. She was sitting in the corner with Lynn D., who I already knew. We all got to chat a bit outside before my internal clock shut down. I have known Maggie online for many years now, on h-costume and now on Tribe, so it was like talking to an old friend.

I then caught her a few more times, including during her book signing on Sunday afternoon. hsifeng, I have a signed bookmark for you. The Gilded Bat sold almost all of Maggie's books before the book signing even began. Joanne picked up three copies on Friday night, and others bought them on Saturday, too. Maggie was having a blast, which I am glad.

There was another big author that had two classes and a big book signing, which I almost went to see. Joanne got one of her books (or was that two copies), but they were going on during classes I really wanted to be in, so I missed her. Her books were on Victorian era garments from photographs (Dressed for the Photographer?), which looked good, but I will hold a bit on getting that book since I am not yet into that period in full. I already have a lot of books of that time period, and I've yet to do the costuming for it.

Which reminds me... Lynn McMasters is interested in helping me with the Felton Steam Train idea I had. She ran a thought about a Harvey Girls theme idea... so I will have to find and watch that movie to remind me what it was about. I think I saw it when I was a bit younger... like in my 20s, and I know it is older than that since it has Judy Garland in it.

Rob says he would be interested in dressing up, as long as it was planned for a time when he isn't tied to the computer at work. They will be working some weekends for the next 20 weeks or so doing the switchover to Micro$oft. This should be doable, since I will have to come up with the info on it, and run it past GBACG's board, and they have to approve it, and put it on their schedule... and then if this goes through, I will have to work like crazy to put our outfits together. But I am excited about the whole idea.

And to round out the topic of books... I just got a pdf of a sample portion from a book called "Purses in Pieces, Archaeological finds of late medieval and 16th-century leather purses, pouches, bags and cases in the Netherlands" by Olaf Goubitz, which was taught at CoCo. This is just a sample pdf from the book, and there is quite a lot of info in this sample chapter. The teacher said he double checked with the publisher, and it is legal to pass around this pdf, so long as nothing is changed. I plan on buying a copy of the book as soon as I have some funds again. But if anyone is interested in looking at a copy of the pdf, contact me with your email address, and I will forward it to you.

victorian, costume college, books

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