Various stuff...

Jul 03, 2008 11:48

Last night I tried to work on my own web site for a change, and my system locked up many many times while I was trying to simply cut & paste info from, into my dreamweaver program. I think the computer had been on too long and simply got overheated. So, off it went.

Bored, I actually pulled out some embroidery floss, and made my first decent 5 bowes fingerloop braid, in blue and white. I figure I would try each out on a small piece, and keep that, then do them again in a yard or so long piece, and give those to the Kingdom for award cords. Sadly, I only had time last night for my sample, but I want to make the yard cord tonight after the kids are in bed. Nice, relatively fast, simple, yet so pretty to look at. I have my sample on my sewing box handle right now. I also have yellow and gold for making up some as trim for my linen kirtle once I find a pattern I like. I figure that would pop nicely on the periwinkle blue.

I was thinking I might put the fingerloop braid in for Pentathalon, maybe, as one of my five projects. I just have no idea how to display them nicely... hmmm...

Today, I have picked up the floor in my bedroom so that we aren't tripping over the bags on the floor. Some are now waiting for a trip to Goodwill, one bag was a bag of scrap fabrics I don't know what to do with, and the rest are in two boxed piles: one for eBay selling, and one for putting back into my sewing room... once I find room in there for the stuff. Well, at least the floor has been vacuumed, and we can walk a bit easier in there now.

And soon I will head off to McDs, to let the kids play for awhile. They need it badly, as they are drivng each other crazy from staying inside. It would be nice if more kids in the area weren't in day care this summer, so that Cam could have friends over more often. If I have to hear them whine one more time...

Nevermind that trip... they can't seem to play together nicely, so I have set them to their own rooms for a time out, and so I can calm down. I now have a headache.

maurelle, a&s50, cameron, housework, a&s, sca

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