I have a favor to ask, of those here who pray.

May 19, 2008 20:49

Please pray for the health of my eldest son's paternal grandmother. She has suffered a massive stroke, and was airlifted to a hospital a few hours away from her home this past weekend. She is still in Her 90 y.o. husband is not taking this well, either, so they are worried for his health, too.

"She is in the ICU department there in critical condition she is still clinging to life barely. She is unresponsive at this time to everyone it is unknown if she even realizes we are there with her. We are hopeful though, that in a few days she may start recovering from that and the worst part will be over. If she makes it through next few days it is the neuro surgeons belief that she can rehabilitate to be able to speak, use her arm again but unfortunately she will be permamently paralyzed in the left leg and will never walk again. It will be some months yet if ever before we can bring her home though we are hoping too of course. Just pray for her and our family this will be quite a struggle for us all."

Charlene became my eldest son's mother figure when I stepped out of the picture (long story). While the family has had its issues, for such a strong woman to be laid low by this large stroke is hard on the family. Thankfully, they are a family who comes together during the hard times, as they did for our son many times growing up. My son still very much needs his loving Grandmother.

They need prayers, for her health, and for the family's health. Please, give a prayer to them tonight.


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