Goldwork books!

Jan 23, 2008 16:26

My goldwork books came in, and they weren't supposed to ship until next week! I hadn't realized that silk embroidery is a big part of gold work, but that's what it seems from glancing at the pictures. Both books have lots of pretty full color pictures. Drooooool.

These are the two books I bought.
Goldwork Embroidery: Designs and Projects by Mary Brown
Beginner's Guide to Goldwork by Ruth Chamberlin

The first one seems to have quite a bit of history in it, while the second one has some, but has really good slate frame instructions from other people's reviews. Both cover techniques in full color images, but I don't know which is the better to learn from (we shall see).

I really want to start in on them, but I've got so many other things to do first. So, I am going to use these as incentives... get other things done, then get time to read the books and learn gold work!

And I now want to incorporate goldwork into the blackwork partlet I've been prepping. I am not sure how other than spangles, but I know they do go together.

Well... off to do more cleaning stuff.

blackwork, embroidery, silk, books

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