Preliminary sewing plans for 2008

Jan 07, 2008 17:33

So, now things to sew... It has been awhile, about since my daughter's Holiday dress since I did any major sewing. I need to clear up my sewing room before I begin anything new, but that won't be until tonight when the kids are in bed, and will continue into tomorrow (btw, that 2 day cleaning a room routine is working for me so far).

So, what projects shall I work on this year, and in what order (at least what order for now... since who knows what life will add to it).

  1. Plausible French Hood: For the Rose Festival next month, I want to finish my next French hood (the coif is done), with documentation, so I can test the waters with it as I've been told that the Rose festival thing is also an A&S competition (which would be my first outside of my Barony). Due end of January.
  2. Green wool gown. I hope to make up the basics of this to wear for the Rose festival (I'd like to retire my old loose gown), but I am not holding my breath. It depends on how hard or easy the sleeves turn out to be. I want to ornament it in gold stuffs, but that will come later. Due beginning of February
  3. Red silk blouse: I have the fabric. I have the pattern. I just need to do it in time for Ren Symposium (since we don't wear costumes there). I also want to make some pants (maybe one in wool) and maybe another blouse or even simpler... the long vest I want (have fabric and pattern for that one, too). Due end of February
  4. Stormwatch's Coat: Must be started on asap, but most likely on hold until mid-end of Feb. I have fabric that needs to be dyed, the pattern, I may have fabric for the mockup, and I have all the doodads and fabrics for most of the appliques. This is due in April.
  5. Camp dress: This will be a simplified early Tudor kirtle of linen. Something I can wear on a hot day and still be comfy and dressed for my period. Due mid June.
  6. Early English Gable. Since Hanford RoK is the coronaton of Henry and Catherine of Aragon, I need to make an early gable to provide the right look. I then hope to teach or make some for the guild members (who most likely will end up wearing their old flat caps instead). Due end of July for summer workshop.
  7. Redraft of the Tudor Bodice: By mid summer, I need to remake the Tudor outfit if I have lost more weight by then. I will make the body shorter than before, and recheck everything before putting the skirt back on. Due: End of September.
  8. 1590-95 underpinnings and accessories: The biggest issue on making a fitted outfit is that I am still loosing weight, and have no idea what my final size will end up. But I figure that I can work on various underpinnings that aren't so fitted, like the wheel farthingale, the proper supportasse, gloves, jewels, apron and whatever else I can think of. This is not due until next year, with the corset/pair of bodies made up next winter.
  9. 1590-95 full outfit: I have the image I will base this on. I still need the right silk fabric, and a good fitted pattern (probably draped), and the proper underpinnings first. But I look forward to making this project. Due early 2009.
Yeah, this is enough for now... more will be added later as I remember them.

Well, this week will be busy getting the other bits of sewing stuff done, and my sewing room cleaned, so I can start fresh on the above projects.

sewing, todo, costume

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