Interesting article on diet plans...

Jan 03, 2008 21:52

Face It, America: Diets Don't Work
by Robert Reames

Sad thing is... the people commenting have their take on which "diet" they prefer; and are telling others 'if you just do blah, you will lose 20 pounds... that's all you need to lose the weight. Blah, blah, blah...' Seems they missed the point of the article.

"Change your perspective, raise your standards and ultimately change your life. Re-think how you see yourself in the arena of health and being the fittest, leanest version of yourself. It is that simple. That's how it's done. You must look at the choices you make on a daily basis in the areas of nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management ... and ask yourself: "What are the consequences of my choices?"

And know for sure that if you DO make the life commitment, if it really means enough to you, you'll do what it takes. That's worth repeating. It must mean something to you. If you're wondering why you haven't had success with your weight in the past, it's most likely because it simply doesn't mean enough to you. If it did, you would prioritize, take the action and make it happen. Whether it's 3, 10, 30, 50 or 300 lbs. you want to take off, and your mindset is everything here. You have to of come to a point in your life where you're absolutely 100% ready to make a commitment. No turning back. A major shift needs to take place for long term success. Ask yourself, "Do you truly want to take the weight off?" "

And yeah, I know I am on a "diet" plan with SBD, but like the guy mentions... it is a mind set, a strategy for life that matters, not what diet plan one uses to jump start that life plan. SBD is what I am using to lose this weight, but it could have been any other healthy eating plan. And I do like that he covers exercise, stress management, and sleep as part of a healthy life style. There's a reason I like my afternoon naps... when I can.

And I put this in my LJ because *I* am the one who needs to kick myself in the rear to exercise. I can find lots of excuses not to, like I did on not keeping my home kept up. Yeah, I'd rather read my book, or sew, or waste spend time on this computer. But if my health means something to me, and it does... than there are no excuses as to why I am not moving my arse into gear. This is one area of my four that I am sorely lacking in.

So, I will be ordering those "Dancing to the Oldies" DVDs... as they were the only other thing I enjoyed doing, other than walking or biking (which I like to do when it isn't cold and/or rainy outside). Even with annoying Richard Simmons. I love to dance, and when the weather is bad, this is one thing I can do inside. Might even make the kids get up and dance with me... who knows.

Oh, and guys... no more cakes for awhile. I don't need them around to tempt me (since I give in every time), even if I do enjoy them for birthdays. If you bring a cake for someone's birthday, then take them home with you or give it to them. Except for my birthday in April... that one I will keep, thank you. Just make it small, and yummy. I think I can indulge a bit more by April.

"project: improving me!", health, diets, article

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