Anne of the Thousand Days movie

Dec 30, 2007 19:49

I decided on Anne of the Thousand Days to watch. It has been long and long since I last watched it when I was much younger. This movie was originally rated M for Mature according to its trailer. Now, it is only PG13. My how times change.

The costumers did a pretty decent job in costuming their charges. Some of it is really good, and some... so very theatrical. Anne wears a hood sometimes, and sometimes has the long hair behind the crescent; the very sparkly crescent. I can see how this movie influenced early Tudor costuming at faires as so much is very colorful, like those hoods that should be black instead. Gables that some ladies wear have also been interesting in their interpretations. So many hoods of so many colors, at least they are tubed shaped usually. Seeing them is giving me thoughts on the shape... but I wil try a few shapes, including the Norris one when I work on that later.

The men's outfits are pretty decent for the most part. Some of Henry's outfits are really spectacular, and some are so simple... with that peter pan collar on almost all of his shirts.

It is interesting the take on the storyline... that Anne hated Henry and Wolsey for taking her beloved Percy from her. So much hate to take down Wolsey and remove Hampton Court from him... until she finally "falls in love" with Henry, and falls into his new bed it seems.

I just noticed that Anne mostly wears petticoats under her skirts; white ones. The cloth of gold outfits are also rather sparkly, and now I see the Unicorn Tapestry in the background of Anne's Queen's chamber.

I did manage to get some work done on the frock coat reworking. The collar has been removed so I can improve on the interlining now that I've been reminded of catch stitches, and a few buttons have been attached. The rest of the hand sewing, and the sad end of the movie, after the kids are in bed.

sewing, movie, 1760frockcoat, tudor, hats

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