Garage organizing started

Dec 30, 2007 16:09

Well our garage is now looking a lot better, at least a part of it is.

The one rack expanded what we could store quite a bit. The paints, fertilizers, bug killers and other stuff are organized and placed up high, some of which are in marked, clear storage bins with lids that the kids will have a hard time opening while they are on the shelf (and too heavy to easily take down). We organized the stuff into "garden" and "construction" racks, with just a little cross over since the chemicals must remain up high and out of the kids reach. But now we know what we have lots of, and where.

We have a pile of aluminum cans and some glass bottles that need to be taken in, which I may do tomorrow if I have a car (depends on what Rob decides to do about his car tire and when). Those are piled up in front of the racks ready to go. Other stuff, like wood, the pile of a wagon, and boxes are stored in the space between the racks on one side, and the locking cabinet on the other. We have to keep some of that space clear for the water sprinkler box, but eventually another rack will go in some of that space.

I found a box or two of books that I had been missing including old comics, and old ElfQuest books. I am sure there's other stuff I will find as we go through these things. I also have a locking cabinet that we are going to put bulk food stuffs into which I will be doing over the next two days or so. There are still a number of boxes of things, Mom's things, that I need to deal with one by one, but they will be done.

And it has become very clear to me that I must eBay what I can, or donate it or something... maybe prep for a large garage sale this spring. There's too much stuff for me to try and keep. Way too much stuff.

I will need an area for Holiday decorations. I want it in the crawl space above the garage, but that will take a bit of work to prep to get a ladder installed and flooring added. There has to be an area for woodworking/bench/table to work stuff on. That will be by the outer door area on the south side. The area by the sink will get a cabinet and an overhead cabinet to put my dye stuffs on. The future freezer will go nearby, too, closer to the water heater. I need to measure that area someday to figure it out, and figure out where to put cabinets in that area, if any.

I also want to get my cutting table into the garage at some point when there is room. My sewing room is just too cramped, and even tho it folds up nicely, I can barely move around some of it when it is opened up for cutting on. I also want to make the wool blankets into a covered pad for steaming wools on it. The garage, while cold or hot, really is the only place I will have room enough to do this. So, garage must get cleaned out this year.

Well, Rob took Craig and Cam for a time, mostly so he can visit his Mom who is ill and in the hospital again (but getting better). Her blood pressure was too low. So, now with 'Elle asleep, I think I should turn to doing something more useful... like some button sewing while I watch one of my new movies... Anne or Mary? Hmmm...


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