Various bits...

Dec 05, 2007 14:57

I am getting cranky and it is only day two. And the day started out so promising.

Both of the kids have had their hairs cut. Cam's is very short, but not quite a buzz cut. Maurelle now has bangs so she won't be trying to move her front hairs out of her face and get food all in it. That was an exercise in patience with the hair stylist, so they got a nice tip.

I have managed to get two small cabinets mostly cleaned off, and the front and top of the fridge. While the inside also needs a cleaning, that's for another time. Once I've calmed down a bit, I will finish off the second cabinet.

I did find a lot of last year's Halloween candy in a bowl, and old unused menues or duplicates that all got dumped. I also have boxes of apple cider powder, nut bars, and hot chocolate mix that either need to be dumped, or given to someone not on this diet plan, as they all have too much sugar in them. Maybe Rob can take them to work and put them in the break room or something. I have also found a home for our paper plates in the nearly empty cabinet above the fridge. Not as easy to get into, but I am tired of the pile of stuff on the fridge top.

Tonight will be Cameron's "Winter Event", which I think is his class singing holiday songs. This is why the hair cuts. I will be taking the kids out to dinner after the event, and then home for their bedtime.

On a different note, I just got an updated email about this weekend's scrolls. it seems that since our Yule didn't make it to the official kingdom calendar we can't give out any awards, so they are postponing them until Chivalry. Well, good thing I didn't finish the painting, since the date I had put on them will be all wrong. Well, I can clean up the drawing a bit, add in hand scribed text (maybe), and reprint them with NO dates on them, and our scribal group can paint them up for later. Well, this means I can focus on sewing up the last of my eyelets instead, and maybe change out the collar and shoulder pieces.

scribe, personal, illumination, sca

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