Scribal newbie does good.

Dec 04, 2007 17:44

I haven't been online much in the past few days. I've been a busy with a new project, but one in scribal stuff, not costuming for a change (drapes, Maurelle's new holiday dress, and other sewing projects are on the back burner today).

My Barony wants to hand out a few Baronial awards, but they have had no charters or promissories to give out along with the actual medal. They've found someone to make the medals, and I thought they had someone who has been working on a promissory, but for reasons I don't know exactly, the Baron hasn't been happy with the design, and the two haven't been able to work out the exact reasons. I am not sure exactly what was up with that.

Anyways, I am new to scribal arts, tinkering for the past year in the illumination/painting of Kingdom charters, and finally at the last Collegium, Aliskye started me on the path to making my first actual scroll, one I wanted to make for me, before I start tackling Kingdom level scrolls. I found a nifty image to copy that was reasonably easy, but still interesting enough to keep me going. I even had found the wording I wanted on this first scroll.

And then rwfranz came back from the last BCM and mentioned to me that the Barony still had no promissory to give, but wanted to give out an award. We have scribes that have done this far longer than I have. I had figured one of them would step forward with something we could use, as we've been talking about it all year long. I did take the wording of the various baronial awards, type them up, and made them available on our mailing list a couple of months ago.

Then that night after I chatted with Roger, I had a dream I was back in school, and it was nearing the end of the term, and my professor was wondering why I hadn't stepped up to the plate and given my rendition of the blue dragon. The rest of my team had been working on this, but no one had actually asked me for any help with since I was new to the class, and I hadn't thought my input would be worthy. It took a bit, but I realized that this dream was actually a push from my own subconscious that maybe I should offer something to be used for the promissory, since my first drawing actually has a dragon as part of its design (the original in in blue and gold).

So, long story long... I've taken my sketch (Bar and Ivy style), inked it out, scanned it in, added some font appropriate text, fiddled with it some more, and sent it on Friday to both the Baron and Baroness, figuring they could discuss it on Saturday night during Wintermist's Yule, which both were attending. I guess they did, as the Baroness contacted me on Sunday and requested a minimum of five awards, please; more if possible.

So yesterday I fiddled with it some more, found a better font to use, and today I printed it out and got it copied onto good smooth cardstock to paint. I've now started in on painting the flat colors this afternoon while the kids were busy or napping, and tonight I hope to finish the first of the five. Since I don't have lots of time, I may just scan in that one colored image and print out copies onto cardstock for now. While I would love to give hand painted promissories, I don't really have the luxury of time, and this would be a decent compromise.

I will take photos of some of the steps, as they get done, and post them on my web site. May as well have a "scribal diary" to track my progress over time. And I just have say it feels good to be able to offer this to the Barony, even if I am still very new to the Art.

scribe, illumination, sca

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