Stormy Weather!

Oct 29, 2007 20:35

Wow, now that was an experience!

Around 6:00pm we experienced one of the most powerful storm systems I ever recall having been in, at least in Central California. It was fast, about 10 minutes of actual rain/hail, and pretty brutal with heavy winds. It left hail that has piled up in my rose bush planter like snow, and in other areas, too. We weren't even sure if our windows on the north and northwest side were going to survive the brutal hail storm banging on them. And the weather report only says "light showers" expected (even now). It eventually nocked out power out, and the lights didn't come on, and stay on, until just before 8pm.

The storm reminded me of the one thunder/tornado storm I had experienced in Illinois (Thebes) when I was 10.

And then it was two hours of trying to keep the kids from going crazy. Maurelle was screaming and crying all through the worst of the storm, and for a while after. The skies were lit up before, through, and even after it passed. We could see a lot of nearly constant lightening going on while we were eating our mostly cooked dinner (thank goodness most of it was cooked when the power went out) and even after. After awhile in the dark with only two candles going, the kids got going, and ran themselves ragged playing on c0demonkey's back, or running around the living room table (until we stopped them), and fighting over the new toys.

Now with the power back, it is their bed time, and maybe we (meaning us parents) can breathe a little easier tonight.


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