Rambling thoughts...

Oct 23, 2007 17:04

You know, it's rather sad that I can buy a product cheaper at the online store, than I can get in the physical store itself. And that was with shipping and taxes added in.

I wanted a light box for scribal work, and had a 50% off coupon, so I went to the local Joann's store to buy it. I had seen the price online, and found that the in store price was a little over $10 more than the online price, so after getting a few things in the store that were on sale, and that I needed, I came home and ordered it online. Yeah, it will take a few days to get to me, but I am in no rush to get it, I just need to use it soonish.

And I almost got a used version on eBay, but was outbit at the very last second. Ah well, now I get a new one at a decent price, and lower than the remaining ones on eBay.

So, now it is my time, with Maurelle napping, and Cam playing outside for a bit. I've done a little cleaning, vacuuming the hall, clearing off much of the kitchen table, done some laundry, so I want to do some stuff for me. Except I am still a bit under the weather from the weekend cold, so I just want to sleep.

So, I am watching Oprah, while I roam through my embroidery books trying to find a good pattern to use for my blackwork. So far, very few all over patterns, most are strips, but the first plate in a period modelbook *is* an all over pattern, but not currently designed for blackwork, but more for cross stitch (even says so in the book, in the part explaining things). So, I will see if I can rework it into a simpler blackwork design, which should be easy enough.

I have to say I get frustrated watching Oprah sometimes, especially when it comes to fashion. They are talking about "Basic Black" for interviewing in. Ok, I was a business major, and the rules came down to us that basic black, simple, clean, professional, don't stand out, etc. was what was done for the interview. So, they mention similar... but when it comes to the example people dressed in their new interview clothes, they have broken some of those rules... giving one lady animal print high heeled shoes and no hose, after they said that animal print satin shoes were too evening for an interview, and to match your hose to your shoes. Another was dressed in a lovely satin jacket perfect for the evening. Uhm, what about the interview look? And this last one in a great outfit with a purple satin blouse. Wrong! Yeah, she looks rich to sell jewels, but for her first interview? Hmmm... Yeah, I just don't agree with her people sometimes. Not to mention they have to put everyone in super high heels, including the lady wearing the comfy shoes who were put into the animal print pumps. While I would not go super comfy in shoes for an interview, I know my back would be in a lot of pain walking in 4" spikes, no matter how sexy it makes my legs look. Good thing I am not going back into the work force right now.

Now more on the fires in southern CA. My heart is with my friends who are dealing with this. My prayers are with you all. I am really worried about one friend and his family from Escondido area. I hope they are safe.

blackwork, scribe, tv

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